VXIII duplex for wind hold off


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
You experienced guys are invited and welcome to give me the pros, cons and advice on the following rifle & scope windage setup strategy:

A 4.5-14x50 VXIII Leupold duplex reticle on a 22-250 will be left on 4.5X at all times unless a longer shot presents for coyotes and varmits . At 4.5X, the reticle covers 8 moa R or L wind hold off (16" at 200yd from crosshair to post according to Leupold's manual). This setup will allow close quick acquisition shots and windage compensation out to a couple hundred yards, even if it's blowing pretty hard, as I only need 2 minutes/10mph at 200yds. If a longer shot presents, I crank power up to 9X which makes reticle subtension drop to 4 moa L and R. 4 moa will correct for a 400 yd shot in 10mph winds. Holding half again as much windage will correct for a 525yd shot in the same wind. That should be easy enough to estimate using the reticle and that's about as far as I would want to shoot off of a bipod in a stiff breeze, while sitting it the bushes anyway. I can consistently hit a 4" swinging plate at 450yds with neglible wind. Does that sound workable and have any of you tried this type of windage setup to find if it is reliable when you crank back and forth between to the two powers?
there's different ways to skin a cat and it sounds like you have your process down pretty good. havn't shot many dogs but i understand the need for something that's quick. the reticles with hash marks work well for coyote hunting.
I also apply plex style reticles for windage, elevation and rangefinding and find they work pretty well for this app. to intermediate range.

I used to hunt coyotes with a 17 FB XP-100 shown below, and used that system in a 4-12x Burris Mini scope with plex reticle. I always applied it at 12x for longer ranges when time allowed for a more deliberate shot. In that optic the plex post tips [PPT] subtended 2.5 MOA from x-hair. The lower post tip was dead on with my load at 340 yds., so i created a drop chart with windage calcs. like this on a sticker in the Butler Creek scope cap cover--



This way i could approach the long shot more accurately. I actually killed a coyote once at 300 yds. sitting facing me using this system in a measured 10 mph x-wind, and it worked perfect. It was a little wierd aiming that far off the dog, but the calcs sure helped with that one [and actually a couple more over the years]--


What do u know--here's the exact data i forgot i had for that optic on that little rig [the vertical data below 325 yds. is turret clicks in MOA added to lower post tip]--

Nice! Quick and handy system. Great pic of the homesteader dog....I think someone else is gonna get claim to his 40 acres cause'a you!
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