VX3i 4.5 - 14 x 40 CDS


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2006
West Michigan
Hello all, I'm shopping for a scope to put on my new deer/antelope rifle. The VX3i can be had for around $500 which seems like a pretty good value. I like the CDS and I already have 2 of the older VX 3 4.5 -14 on other rifles. I have budgeted $800 for s new scope. Does anyone have any other suggestions for a scope in my price range? The new rifle will be bolt action in 6.5 Creedmore. I was thinking maybe Vortex might be a good option as well. Thanks. Mike
Dad ended up with a VX3i 4.5-14x40 with the CDS, Wind-plex and side focus last fall a we prepared a new rifle for an antelope hunt. We have some VX-2's, Vortex HS-LRs and Zeiss Conquests as well for comparison.

I was very, very impressed with the VX3i. It quickly became a "best bang for the buck" scope, as far as I was concerned, and shows that Leupold has notably improved their quality. So, I would recommend one any day.
I went to Cabela's yesterday and looked at several scopes. They all seemed to have really clear glass but a couple were quite large and heavy. The VX5 HD was a really nice scope and the sight picture was pleasing to my eye. I just wish it had a little more magnification but it will work.
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