VX-II For hunting???

Rhino Hunter

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
S.E. MI, but my heart is in Da' UP
Hi there,

New guy here...long time lurker...but new to posting.

Here's my question. I just found out I'm going on a limited entry mule deer hunt in CO the last week of Oct. I have a .300 Win Mag that shoots great at 100 yards, but starts to spray the farther out I get. The gun has had some custom work done to it. Right now I have a Vari-X III 3.5-10x50 on it. I've heard that my problem might be related to parallax. I also have a VX-II 6-18x40 that I could rob from another gun. This scope has parallax adjustment where the Vair-X III does not.

Should I try switching out the scopes? I don't really want to cough up $1,500 on a scope with only two months to purchase, mount and shoot it in.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


PS-Great Forum!!!
Rhino, welcome aboard, it's a great place to hang your hat, lot of good people and a wealth of knowledge. i'm gonna give you something to try when taking longer shots, it's what i do and seems to work for me.if you can,back your eye away from the scope a little until you get a black ring around the outside of your picture. instead of having a nice full view,now it's a little smaller with a black ring. when shooting, center this black ring in the scope and also center the crosshair in the black ring.i've heard mixed reviews on this, but in my mind, this will eliminate parallax. i always do this wether i'm shooting a scope with parallax adjustment or not.i would try this before switching out a vx-111 for a 11. the weak link of Leupold scopes is their AO adjustment out on the front bell.
I have 2 VXII's that have worked great for me, but they are on my 22 mag and 223 so I haven't used them at real long range.

I have 4 VXIII's and have never had any trouble with them shooting out to 600yds. I think Cabelas still has the 4.5x14 VXIII with the CDS on sale for under $600, it looked like a good deal to me if you do decide to get another scope.
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