VX-3 or MK4 is the glass the same

No infact it is my understanding that the VX-3 line was revamped and actually have better glass now. and a couple other upgrades that make it if not equal to a MK4 maybe lightly superior.
Hi, i think the only difference is the coatings,like the previous post said the vx3 has been reworked and for me it's hard to tell any difference looking through them.
i called leupold the other day to get an answer strait from the horses mouth. i wanted to know what the diference was betueen the vx3 and the mark4 because all i could get at the local sportinggoods stores was the mark 4 is the "tactical" model. i talked to a person at leupy and they sad that the mark 4 is a vx3 with turrets, painted black and tested to a bit hgher standard.

order a leupy vx3 with a 30mm tube and 50 mm obj. through there custom shop and have M1 turrets and a milling reticle put on it and you have a "mark4" for about $500 less.

i dont know whay the added durability above and beyond a top of the line scope is necesary when the company has some of the best customer service in the buisness. unless ofcourse your life depends on that scope... then id spend the extra 1000 and go with a schmit&bender

The Mark 4s are built stronger. The internals are thicker thus actually giving them less MOAs of ajustments. This info came from a tech rep from Leupold.
The old VX-3s only had one erector spring. The new revamped ones have dual springs (like the MK4) the same or better (new coating) glass. A new VX-3 model with adjustable paralax knob and custom shop M1 turrets is a mk4 for a bunch less money.
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