Vortex Viper 6.5-20-50PA New Purchase

Bob L.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
This scope was at a price point that I could afford at the moment for my 6mmbr, have one on the way. Rifle was built for plinking, fun, and varmints etc. Not a benchrest build.
Anyone own one and how have they worked for you?

Don't have one, but have pondered getting one.

I'm a multiple Viper owner and the PA should have the same glass. Mine is excellent in both my 6.5x24x50 and my 4.5x16x50. Great resolution and the eye relief, while a bit critical at full magnification, is still doable without getting a 'ring around your eye'......:)
Just shot my dads 270wsm with one a few weeks ago and I use a pst. Its well built, repeatable , and good glass for the money. It should serve you well.
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