Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm **found one**


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
Does anyone have this model? I am thinking of buying one soon. The reason I am interested in this one over the 20-60x model is mostly the smaller size to fit in my X2 packs side pouch. Secondly price and lastly I have never thought the top end of a 60x scope seemed very useable. My dad and a couple buddies have the 60x models from Swaro and they all agree the 45x is close to the top of the range they use because after that it picks up too much mirrage etc.. The down side to my choice is light gathering of the 65mm objective so I am wondering what people who have this model think of it.
Re: Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm

I love the one I have, I was using it to look at a elk last week that was well over a mile away after shooting light had ended in Colorado. It gathered enough light at the lower power levels to know that it was a bull that I would shoot given the chance as well as seeing the chocolate horns with white tips. It does pick up some mirage at max power, and I tend to run mine closer to 40-45x. I would buy it again if I had to over the 20-60x razor, as it does everything I need it to do and then some.
Re: Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm

I bought that size as well. I also bought it straight instead of angled. I do a lot of spotting from the truck and to me this is the perfect size spotter to use from a vehicle or carry around in your pack. Heck I think the big razor would break a truck window and fall out on the ground just do to its weight....LOL
Re: Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm

I bought one for Andy who used it in Colorado recently.

Plenty bright.

We sell them now.
Re: Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm

For packing and truck use I really like my 11-33x50 razor. It is very light and compact and very clear
Re: Vortex Razor HD 16-48x 65mm

I really like my 11-33x50 razor. It is very light and compact and very clear

That is what I just started using last month. I love it! I'll be publishing a review on it later this month. So now we use both the 65mm and the 50mm versions.

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