vortex 2.5-10x44 pst


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
Anyone have experience with this scope. I want to put one on my savage 7mm long range hunter. I like the size and power level of this scope. I also plan on using the DNZ products one piece scope base and rings to mount it. I prefer the MOA reticle of the vortex scope, is there any other scopes out there in this price range that have a reticle similar to the vortex.

Side question... the mount I plan on getting is a zero moa mount I think for anything inside a 1000 this should be fine???
I have this scope on my 243 and have no problem shooting to 1000yds with it. For its price it's tough to find another scope with the same versatility. It would be nice if the turrets were either 10 or 20 MOA instead of 12 and if the reticle was subtended in 1 MOA instead of 2 MOA.
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