Vince Flynn---RIP


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
Sweet, Idaho
Vince Flynn, author of many books and creator of Mitch Rapp, died today of prostrate cancer. He was 47 years young. He was one of my favorite authors and I spent some time with him at the SHOT show several years ago. Very class act and I will miss his writings. If you haven't read any of his books, well, you are missing out.

Seriously, look up his website and start and the beginning. They are "can't put em down" books. Don't know what you like to read but he is very very detailed and his character, Mitch Rapp, does things the way things SHOULD be done in the mysterious spy world. Vince was actually "investigated by the feds" for his details. President George W. Bush, who was one of his avid readers, once asked him how he knew all those things.

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