Vais Suppressor patents

Weird Thread. I lost interest. Someone has nothing better to do that to mess with us...
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George Vias has been dead for many years, and the business was sold to another group. Think they are still in business under another name. Maybe in El Paso.

just saw the post above this one, and guess there are (or were ) two George's out there. The one I was thinking of had a really nice muzzle brake.

Very truth George Vais is dead, i am dead, but I have found the way to communicate from the haven or hell " i will not say from exact please" but i wish someone to show George Vais death certificate!

Thank you.
And HE said; Lazarus come out.. and so he did,..., another George Vais?? Nope the same one, there's just one George Vais.:D

George glad to see your not pulling an David Copperfield here..

So did you get the new patent's?? I understand the design is over the top good.
I'll get with you in a PM soon.

Are you the same George Vais that designed and built the vais muzzle brake (

I ran into this and find ir very interesting >>> Untitled Document

Yes i am the real George Vais and i will not say from where responding from haven or hell. I am the designer or founder off Vais mazzlebrakes, HTG Silencer, and inventor of Magnum, mini magnum, and Hunters muzzlebrakes.
And HE said; Lazarus come out.. and so he did,..., another George Vais?? Nope the same one, there's just one George Vais.:D

George glad to see your not pulling an David Copperfield here..

So did you get the new patent's?? I understand the design is over the top good.
I'll get with you in a PM soon.


My new silencer patent has been approved and is up for sale.
Who exactly is this Bartlett guy and what company name does he do business under btw???

Does he advertise on this site and/or sell is pirated goods through legit channels?
Very interesting. Sounds like Mr. Bartlett is a crook to me....

I agree with you 100% just take a look on this web site and you are going to see the truth. At this time that website is owned by

When that web site was made i was not able to write much English and some other people have done the text for me. After some time i have done the final word text myself and is done it proper.

Take a look below.


Ron Bartlett has never made any decisions on his own. He has always asked his friends for advice, including his personal matters. In the year of 2000 while I was training him, he ask me for advice. He had met a lady at church that he was interested and wanted my opinion if he should keep her and replace his other lady friend that he was dating for some time.

He explained to me the lady he was dating was a very nice person, but did not turn him on, her father was a retired chaplain of the Air Force and he was a very famous man and he was good friends with George Bush Senior and Junior and also he had many friends in the pentagon. I suggested to Bartlett to stay with the lady he was currently dating, since she was a good person.

Later on he married that lady and her father save Bartlett of going prison and his attorney of losing his license. Bartlett's attorney Wayne Colton was calling and talking to my ex-wife and persuade her to create serious problem for me and hurt me financially. Bartlett also went to the Shot Show and visited the business people i knew and others and he showed them the documents i had signed and the one he forged, after these people took his side.

My attorney on the beginning was Daniel Rutherford and he ask me if i have see any document different that the normal documents or suspecting some document wrong and not mention to him, like a document he has see was two different ways? I have say no if i new something i was going to say something, and i have ask what is that different document? He answer not to worry about and he was going to take care.

After i discover that document was the forged document he got from Bartlett's attorney but was too late to do anything because the lower federal court has already ruled against me. My attorney was taken orders from somebody else and i suspect that was the friend of George W. Bush the former director of Texas Bar Association Harriet Myers that has been nominated for the supreme court and she has resigned.

After i got new attorney for the appeal at the Fifth Federal Court of Appeals and he was good but the higher court was working under influence from a powerful person and the court rule against me and also provided the money to Bartlett's attorney for the expense and fee. That is very serious court violation to provide money on a civil case but was not very difficult for George W. Bush to do that.

There is no doubt Bartlett was going to prison but people in high places bailed him out.
I explained the appellate court violation to a retired federal judge and he have told me that no one from the court has that much power to create that serious violation, the order had to come from a powerful person above court personnel. Could the powerful person from above be George W. Bush, who is a good friend of Bartlett's father-in-law?

I have been badly disappointed by the ones who called me friend, because they took Bartlett's side. I also strongly disagree with George W. Bush when he says in his speech "We have justice in our nation". All i have seen is abuse of power and corruption.

The Judge that has ruled against me at the lower federal court has been nominated from George W. Bush to the fifth federal court of appeals and when i have filed for appeal he was there.

The three judges who preceded in the court of appeals were all republicans. Judges took my case where: Jolly, Weiner, and Pickering that was placed there by George W. Bush and latter he resign, because not even the republican Congress, would approve his position.

The American Civil Liberty Union would not take my case, because they told me the case had to involve more than one person.
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