Maybe I have become a little jaded from the continual beating our troops take from our own left leaning politicians and press. I found it interesting, maybe even refreshing to read a piece in a UK paper that actually used the term "kill" in reference to what our snipers do to the enemy. While the artical got a little wishy washy in the last sentence or two, it pretty much told it like it is in a non judgmental way. I find it interesting that our own press cannot seem to find the space to print similar stories like this about how our heros are over there KILLING the enemy, without making our troops sound like the enemy.
Glad I got that off my chest.......I just needed to rant /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
PS. That was one heck of a shot!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif