Update on FFP Scopes?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2005
So, inquiring minds want to know, what's up with the latest FFP scopes?

Any update on the durability of the IOR FFP gen 2?
Anyone played with the Premier FFP that just came out?
Is the Nightforce FFP now reality, and is it now the new standard for half the price of S&B?
Whatever happened to the Leupold FFP project?
"Anyone played with the Premier FFP that just came out?" We have them on order but the test and the reviews look good.
"Is the Nightforce FFP now reality, and is it now the new standard for half the price of S&B?" The NF NXS will be around $2300 to $2400 w/ 0-Stop.
"Whatever happened to the Leupold FFP project?" I'm not sure what one you are referring to for they have 3 FFP scopes out.

Mike @ CSGW
we have a couple of the FFP NF on order, i think BJ said they were gonna be in sometime in Nov, but i aint sure.

Leup has a few scopes available in FFP, we have several of them and i have played with a couple of them and they are dang nice!!

have a good un
I've got one of the Leupold ER/T's, 8.5-25x50 TMR, and I must say, it's SUPERB.

And I have the 6.5x20 with the ART reticle, and it's great... but I thought they were supposed to start coming up with others, too, down at the 4x and the 3x level. Guess I had assumed wrong.

I guess everyone's waiting for the NF... though why the PR Heritage isn't getting more press surprises me. The Snipers Hide guys are all over it, but they seem to be the only ones.
There are lower ones, a 3.5-10 one. My buddy has one with the TMR.

You're right we're all over it over there, it's probably one of the best scopes ever made, but it's not designed for the mainstream. It's designed for users that know how to put it to its full and intended purpose, not slap it on a .270 deer rifle and hunt in a tree stand.
Any update on the durability of the IOR FFP gen 2?
No more have failed that I know of, but I wouldn't recommend them for heavy recoil application. But we're up to 3rd gen now, none of those have failed yet that I know of. Let's hope 3rd time is the charm.
Anyone played with the Premier FFP that just came out?
There's a chance my Premier will be here before I head out hunting in about a month. If it is, you all will surely hear about it. ;)
Is the Nightforce FFP now reality, and is it now the new standard for half the price of S&B?
It won't be half the price of a S&B unfortunately. As for being the new standard, we'll have to see what they look like first....
Whatever happened to the Leupold FFP project?
They do offer a few models. Unfortunately, the one most would find useful--4.5-14--they don't offer yet. Also, they don't yet offer .1 Mil clicks. .05 clicks and only 3 Mils per turn of the turret or MOA clicks with the nice Mil reticle are a deal breaker for me. I've heard both of those items are being addressed, we'll see when they come out.
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It's designed for users that know how to put it to its full and intended purpose, not slap it on a .270 deer rifle and hunt in a tree stand.

[Pathetic attempt at humor]

But, but, but... how do you figure out the holdover for that forkie quartering away 800 yards away from the treestand without a really good scope?

Never mind, I forgot, you don't need holdover for a .270, they're like laser beams compared to my Pa's old thutty-thutty.

At the risk of jinxing the whole dang thing, there has been nary a peep about any issues with the new production IOR 3-18. Them boys in Bucuresti have had plenty of time to check out all the other broke ones....
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