to paint or not to paint

Shoot'n Hogs

May 7, 2004
South Texas
I have a new sendero 300rum and I want to know if I am crazy for wanting to paint it. I have all the equipment necessary, I paint model for a hobby. Just wanting to throw some camo on the stock, barrel, and scope. I am just afraid cause it is new ($1800 worth of new). Thanks
Some folks like them painted some folks don't. I think of them as tools and a little paint won't hurt, other see them as works of art and a scratch, ding or heaven forbid paint would surely deminish the masterpiece. One thing for sure, if you paint it and it'll get remarks.

I'd go for the big and little camo combined (near and far may be another term you may hear it called). Basically large areas of darker shades with light(er) intermixed and other large areas of light shades with dark(er) intermixed. A bit like this Rhodesian if you get what I mean.
The first time is always the hardest. I did my first earlier this summer, It's hard to get started, but once you get going and it starts to look good it gets easier.



Good luck

The nice thing about can always be re-done.
I have several that are painted in various schemes and like the look.
As always do what you feel is best.
What type / brand paint would be recommended?
If done in a body shop (spray gun)what type of paint would be best for Rem / HS stock?
If you need camo you are way too close. Step back a bit and make it a chalange. Just remember a factory finish is plain but a bad paint job is embarasing
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