Tipped TSX BC?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
Anyone know what the bc of the tipped tsx in the 140 grain in .284? I looked at the website and the box was blank.
Barnes TSX 7mm 120 gr BC is .349 and the Tipped TSX is .373.
Their TSX 7mm 140 gr .394, so I would guess the Tipped would be close to .415-.420 range.

What I don't get is their TSX .277 caliber 130 gr bullet has a BC of .431. The Tipped TSX in 130 gr is LOWER at .392. And here I thought the Tipped version was supposed to incease the BC (and improve expansion too of course)?

Maybe they haven't got around to changing the untipped version. I know someone called them out for grossly overstating their BC's...they restested most of them, and they were a bunch lower. Wasn't the 120 TSX in 7mm .5?? before they retested?
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