Timney Trigger Question

Triple BB

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2002
I recently dropped off my barrel, action and other junk at my Smith's shop to get my long range build going. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when I handed him my Timney trigger. He basically told me they're junk and to get a Jewel. I know Jewel is the best. However I'm not building a benchrest rifle. I'm putting together a 500 - 800 yard mountain rifle. Now that the guy has me concerned about my trigger, I'm just wondering if I need to go back and get a Jewel. I've done some searching and read some old posts. However, for you guys that have both triggers and are using a Timney for hunting only, do you there any regrets. Did I sell myself short?
I recently dropped off my barrel, action and other junk at my Smith's shop to get my long range build going. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when I handed him my Timney trigger. He basically told me they're junk and to get a Jewel. I know Jewel is the best. However I'm not building a benchrest rifle. I'm putting together a 500 - 800 yard mountain rifle. Now that the guy has me concerned about my trigger, I'm just wondering if I need to go back and get a Jewel. I've done some searching and read some old posts. However, for you guys that have both triggers and are using a Timney for hunting only, do you there any regrets. Did I sell myself short?

Triggers can make a difference in the way a rifle shoots, and Jewel is the best. But there is
nothing wrong with the Timney at all, and it can make a difference over a production trigger.

Most smiths know that the Timney is thicker than the stock triggers and the stock has to be
re inletted.

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