Time table question


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2012
So this is going to be long so you can get the picture. My co worker contacted a local gun smith here to build him a rifle. First off, he needs a action so the gun smith suggests a 700LA for build a 6mm (the caliber my buddy wanted built). So my buddy buys a 700 at a local gun show 3 1/2 years ago. He drops it off at the gun smiths and pays for a barrel supposedly a 22in bull with a "fast twist rate". About a year later the gun smith calls and says he is ready to order a trigger and stock for it so my co worker goes and gives him more money.

He calls and checks on the status every couple of months and for over a year he has been getting "its about done" or "soon you will have it". Fast forward to today. My buddy has sunk over 2600 in this build that has taken 3 1/2 yrs and has absolutely zero to show. The gun smith in the past 3 1/2 yrs moved his shop about 80 miles away. I didn't know to much about all this till yesterday he asked me what he should do. My first response was drive your ***** up there and tell him u need to see progress and the stuff you have paid for. I said if he is backed up over 3 1/2 yrs that's fine but he should have all the piecesyou bought and paid for there.

My buddy did some things right he has the serial number off the original rifle he dropped off to get built and he has every receipt he ever spent for the rifle. He has a nightforce scope that is 2 yrs old and never been out of the box cause he hasn't got his rifle back yet. Is there any other advice you guys would suggest or a way to approach this???

Thanks for any and all advice in advance...
So this is going to be long so you can get the picture. My co worker contacted a local gun smith here to build him a rifle. First off, he needs a action so the gun smith suggests a 700LA for build a 6mm (the caliber my buddy wanted built). So my buddy buys a 700 at a local gun show 3 1/2 years ago. He drops it off at the gun smiths and pays for a barrel supposedly a 22in bull with a "fast twist rate". About a year later the gun smith calls and says he is ready to order a trigger and stock for it so my co worker goes and gives him more money.

He calls and checks on the status every couple of months and for over a year he has been getting "its about done" or "soon you will have it". Fast forward to today. My buddy has sunk over 2600 in this build that has taken 3 1/2 yrs and has absolutely zero to show. The gun smith in the past 3 1/2 yrs moved his shop about 80 miles away. I didn't know to much about all this till yesterday he asked me what he should do. My first response was drive your ***** up there and tell him u need to see progress and the stuff you have paid for. I said if he is backed up over 3 1/2 yrs that's fine but he should have all the piecesyou bought and paid for there.

My buddy did some things right he has the serial number off the original rifle he dropped off to get built and he has every receipt he ever spent for the rifle. He has a nightforce scope that is 2 yrs old and never been out of the box cause he hasn't got his rifle back yet. Is there any other advice you guys would suggest or a way to approach this???

Thanks for any and all advice in advance...

Go get his parts and any money for work he didn't do and "RUN" . Find another Gunsmith that will honor his schedule.

So I went with my buddy to see the gun smith and I honestly think he had the deer in the look when we walked in. It was kind of pathetically comical. He was "uh ing" and "oh ing" for a while when we first got there. My buddy is very non confrontational. IM NOT. If it is BS I call it BS and the gun smith was full of it. We got his parts he had and he had them all but from what I can see he is far from a gun smith. I retired from 20 yrs in the military and I am a millwright I am not a gun smith and I honestly think I know more about building rifles then this guy ever did. He said he was waiting for a reamer to put the rifle together REALLY for three and half years??? SO before it got really ugly we took his stuff and left. I called the gun smith I use all the time and we took all the stuff there and he is putting the rifle together. Apparently the "gun smith" that had all my buddies stuff was being trained by a real gun smith but they had a falling out and the gun smith left without fully training this guy. Anyway my buddy has all his stuff at a reputable gun smith now. I have used this gun smith for over 2o years and have never had any problems. Thanks to everyone that offered advice. Oh btw my gun smith said he was a little backed up but my bubby will have his rifle done in his hands in under 60 days... That is the way it should be I think I don't care if it is going to take u a year as long as in a year it is done...
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