Can somebody please explain "throating" a gun for a certain bullet. I'am in the process of building a rem700 300rum maybe edge maybe lapua not sure yet. Have heard alot of people talking about this!
This is simply setting the chamber/throat up for the cartridge/bullet combo you want.
Make a dummy round with the bullet you want at the OAL you want and the smith will set up the throat to that spec.
Yep, it's that easy.
What about angles to match ogives etc? Does that make any difference or is it even a consideration?
So you used more powder, and got less velocity with the same pressure?
Roy, most sammi spec factory chambers and reamers have a lead angle of 3 degrees, this would be the tapered portion of the cut that makes a "ramp" out of the lands for the bullet to engrave on.
Almost all "match reamers" will be ground with a 1.5 degree lead angle.
When a reamer is made the purchaser can spec whatever lead angle they want, and Kiff will grind it. I have a couple of reamers of Aarons design for the 7mm RM that have 3/4 degree lead angles, obviously designed for the bergers.