Thanks. I was advised of the exact thing that you mentioned, the long drive. But, for $49.00 I can catch a flight from DFW to San Antonio, and since I'll not need a car until I leave DFW, I think I'll hop on a plane, grab a car in San Antonio and leave for home from there.
I might get a big Largemouth at his place, he manages the larger of his ponds (70 ac) for trophy bass. They should be bedding right around that time, so the pickin's for a large one might be good. My buddy suggested that I might want to take a trip to the coast and wet a line in the salt. He knows of a couple of guides, redfish I guess. There's Stripers in some of the larger lakes here in Indiana, my best so far is 19#, but the fishing is slow, only 3-4 fish/day.
I figure that I have a week or so to get the trip planned out and tickets bought. The exact # of days are still flexible, I was thinking of arriving in DFW early Friday morning and hitting the airport for home late Monday or early Tuesday. I wish that I could see more of the state, but the travel time is the killer!
I hear what you're saying about watching what part of town I'm in. I grew up in Chicago and there were areas that were O.K. to go in as long as you were in around 6:00 a.m. and outta there by 10:00 a.m.