They're waiting


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
Wyoming area 7 taken yesterday

I'm heading out in September for my first antelope hunt to unit 108 in Wyoming with a couple of buddies. This is certainly getting me even more excited! Unit 7 was one of the units I was interested in applying for this year (but was talked into a different unit since we had a lot of points built up). I was thinking about checking unit 7 out on my way back out of town if time allows to see what the potential is for future hunts. Would you mind if I picked your brain a bit on that one?
I'm heading out in September for my first antelope hunt to unit 108 in Wyoming with a couple of buddies. This is certainly getting me even more excited! Unit 7 was one of the units I was interested in applying for this year (but was talked into a different unit since we had a lot of points built up). I was thinking about checking unit 7 out on my way back out of town if time allows to see what the potential is for future hunts. Would you mind if I picked your brain a bit on that one?

Not a bit.
I'm assuming the fence is the legal hunting boundary line-- they always seem to know where it is and stay just on the other side :confused: I swear they have smart phones with the on-x hunting app !!
My wife has her first antelope tag for unit 7 this year, she would be beyond thrilled to see something like this!
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