The Zen of a good trigger


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
I replaced the trigger in my Ruger American Predator with a Timney trigger and now have consistent 1/2" groups at 100 yards.

My RAP's Timney trigger is now as good as the factory trigger in my Ruger Precision Rifle that I use for competition. Crisp, clean and 1.5 lbs. I'll agree that the fact that I also put a nice Boyd's laminated stock on my RPR gave the rifle a good feel when they pulled the trigger. It all adds up. Good trigger, much better stock, good bedding, good scope (SWFA 3 - 15 x 42).

Consistency of groups is what the Timney trigger gave me. That means consistency for hunting. And the feel of that trigger is great. Friends who use only factory triggers in their hunting rifles love it. When I told them how easy it is to install two of them decided to order a Timney and install it themselves.

One friend has a Rock Creek Armory AR with a Gieselle trigger and loves it too.

Eric B.
Part of the the improvement could have been the stock change .
Stock rigidity and bedding systems have a huge impact on potential accuracy but good triggers help a lot also.
I have a Timney on my Mauser alloy chassis rifle and it works very well .
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