The saddest day in american history


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
(Introductory sentence deleted as it's not how we do business here on LRH. Keep it clean or it will all be deleted. State your opinion, ideas etc. but keep it clean. As was mentioned we have a very mixed reader base)

To my AR friends I suggest the following:

1. Liquidate your U.S. assets as soon as reasonably possible and move the money out of the USA so that Obama cannot tax it in the future or seize it. Invest in overseas assets that do not pay current income to avoid Obama's huge tax increase.

2. Either empty your 401(k) and pay the penalty and tax now (lower taxes now), or move into a cash position. Expect the stock market to be in the 4000 to 5000 range in 2010.

3. Only stay invested in U.S. equities if you can hold onto them for at least 10 years.

4. Don't buy energy stocks because Obama will tank our economy to the point that we do not use much energy.

5. Peacefully resist and peacefully protest against any unconstitutional laws that Obama enacts, including but not limited to the "Fairness Doctrine".

6. Expect the First Amendment (free speech, freedom of the press), Second Amendment (right to bear arms), the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), and the Fifth Amendment (no taking of property without just compensation) to be essentially done away with.

7. Be prepared to resist violent action by blacks who feel "empowered" by Obama, much like the war vet land seizures in Zimbabwe.

8. Expect open borders and an influx of at least another 12 million illegals. Obama will make them all citizens to boost the Dem party base.

This is the saddest day in American history.
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I can totally see why many people don't like Obama, but man, you may want to filter what you say online here. There are adolecents who chime in from time to time and many of us have kids who read the treads --- afterall we do want to get our future generations interested in long range shooting and hunting don't we.

So in short, I'll ignore your little rant - for now. Try to keep your language civil!!! no need to drop the F bomb!
Well I was going to read through your post but you dropped the F-bomb. Whatever you were going to say is lost in my opinion. It shows a lack of respect for others when you drop the F-bomb on a family frendly forum. There is no place for it here. You may want to do an edit or just start your post over without the language.

Thats just the way I feel about it.
Although I was not offended by the F word apparently others are. You should consider amending your post.

For what it's worth I am also concerned about the long range impact that Obama and the liberal Democrats will have on the country. Obviously 6% more Americans don't share my concerns than those that do.
you drop the F-bomb on a family frendly forum.

Apparently nobody else listened to NPR yesterday or the day before. The F of today it totally different than the F of yesteryear. It was quite a comical piece.

It doesn't bother me but hey I'm easy to please.
The only true power that a president has is the power of Veto , no one man can setforth the ruin that alot are expecting , not saying that it wont happen but he can't do it alone.

The problem I have , and I would feel the same way if McCain were a Dem is that you have a radical liberal congress , radical liberal Supreme court and now a ultra radical liberal persident , their is no distrabitution of power. The supreme courts seem to have the idea that they can make and change laws from the bench now and it only because we as a nation allowed , so when these radical pink-o congressmen and women decide that you no longer need your guns that we have nobody on our side to stop it , the congress will wright the bill and the Obamanator will pass it right through and in the meen time when your trying to fight it the Supreme court will squash you in their courts.
The mess that the US is in now diden't happn over night , it diden't happen in the last 5 years , its been over a decade in the making , alot of people hate G.Bush like he caused these troubles , he diden't do it alone he simply diden't do anything to stop it !!
I'm not an Obama fan by any streach of the imagination but I will say that he has inherited one hell of a problem and I don't see him doing anything to make it better. I'm sure that we as a nation will see some life changing events happen , sombody is gonna test this clowns resolve weather it be Russia (already starting) North Korea , China , Iran or any other of the many nations that hate the US.
I think before he gets to radical with trying to change the US he will be killed either by our government in a well orchrastrated setup like the JFK assisnation , or some half looney clown will take one for the team and just walk up to him like what happened to R.Regan.

What we all must remember is that these people in Washington diden't get their alone , they all had to be voted their by the people and they are their representing us , they work for us and we decide wheater or not they keep their job. I hate to say it but its gonna take a major slap in the face ike a civil war , ethinic war or sever depression to wake these people up and for them to relize that the world isin't a great place filled with rainbows and little fuzzy bunnies , their are people that would love to see us crumble as a nation.
With the election of a Marxist, racist, anti-American fraud, the people of the USA are totally ******. To my AR friends I suggest the following:

This is the saddest day in American history.

Hey bjBlooper,

What's sad is you making racist claims in the other thread you started, and becoming vulgar in your first sentence in this thread. If you're the spit'en image of a good Republican, you start to make those nasty Democrats look pretty darn good.

Why don't you man-up and and go back and delete the follies of your disappointment over the election, unless you'ld prefer to reinforce your standing here(language deleted. Practice what you preach and keep it clean)
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The only true power that a president has is the power of Veto , no one man can set forth the ruin that a lot are expecting , not saying that it wont happen but he can't do it alone.

The concern is not the Presidential veto powder. Obama will be supported by the most liberal congress in history and there isn't much left in the way of checks & balances.

Here in NY we have also given the liberal left our Senate, Assembly, Governor's office and both US Senators. On both the state and federal level, my rights as a sportsman could evaporate almost overnight. Who would (could) oppose them.

It's not just the issue of shooting & hunting that's at stake, it's the very way of life that conservatives have cherished for so many years. Liberalism is alive and well in this country and it has just moved to the forefront of power.

Yes - I am concerned with the election results. Not panicked, but concerned.
there is still the power of the fillibuster.... don't under rate it!
One conrgresman read a cookbook to squash a vote. heck, that will make anyone's mind turn onto something other than polotics!!!
I did not vote for Obama. I do not share his view of the world and what role the US should play in it, I do not agree with his social values or ecomonic plans.

That said, I voted, the guy I voted for lost, am I happy about that, not at all.


The majority of the citizens that voted said they wanted Obama as their president. Just as we did in 2000 and 2004 when the majority of us said we wanted Bush to be our president.

Since 2000, there has been nothing but worthless bickering from our government. The hatred grew over the past 8 years until it has consumed everything that happens in Washington. Much of this was a result of the extreme libers blaming everything that has happened over the last 8 years, at least all the bad things on Bush and his party which to the logical minded US citizen is total crap.

We lost the election. We get another shot at it in 4 years. Will we make it until then, YES WE WILL. Will we as gun owners and lovers have some harder times, possibly. Will Obama be our president, YES HE WILL BE.

The majority of the vote went his way, that is how our system is supposed to work. While I do not believe in much of what he stands for, I do respect him as a human and WILL respect him as the President of the USA.

I can not remember how many times I set and listened to the far left biased news media refer to our current president as simply Mr. Bush but often would refer to the former president as President Clinton.......

Petty, sure but I refuse to stoop to their level. In 75 days, Obama will be president of the USA. I am a proud US citizen as I know we all are. As far as I am concerned, Obama requires the same level of respect as Bush did. We do not have to agree with him but he did get fairly elected as the President of the USA.

I remember 4 years ago that all the libers said if Bush got reelected they move out of the US. We all told them to not let the door hit them in the rear on the way out.

Are we going to say the same crap now or are we going to be better citizens then they were.

If we want to get back in power in 2012, there is one easy way to do it, get a **** good quality person that has true common sense conservative views and put enough votes in the box to get them elected.

The Dems have the power in the white house, senate and house. That is the bad news, but remember, if they do not greatly improve things over the next 4 years, they have no where to hide...... Keep that in mind.

Alot of people thought that Pre. Clinton would destroy all of our gun rights. He certainly made some things harder but we all still have our guns. The reason is because there are alot of Democrats in the senate and house that have our same values toward guns. I know of two Montana Senators that would never vote against our guns and Montana still has a Republican Represenative that will also stand for all gun rights.

Luckily, the extreme left whacks are in the minority, Democrats of republican means very little, common sense is what we need and to stop this petty bickering that is all we have seen since 2000!!!!!
well said fifty driver!

I would like to also say that extreme liberals are as few in number as extreme conseratives -- that's the way it works. Polotics and polocies shift with time - usually slowly.
One good thing about the Dems controlling the presidency and the congress is after 4 years Americans may be fed up enough to vote in a conservative like Reagan. Which is the greatest fear the liberals have.

What does scare me is the Supreme Court vacancies comming up. And as far as filibustering goes I don't think we have enough conservative Republican legislators with the guts to follow through with it. It seems we have Republican lights in office now.

We will have a clue of what chances the conservatives will have in the next election once we see what the new platform will be for the Republican party, if it is the same as the last 12 years chances aren't very good. We need a true conservative to win.

I am waiting to see how the Dems cover up the fanny-mae and freddy-mac scandal, they caused the financial crush by blocking any regulation to control them, then use the fall out to win the election, I'm sure they are smart enough to hide the facts especially with the help of the liberal media.
Until america stops running around the world acting like the world police -the world will hate america.

Until america stops going to other countries -building military installations and NEVER LEAVING -other countries will hate america.

Until america stops $elling the position of president to lobbiest [AIPAC ->foreign lobbiest] -america will continue its downward spiral.

Until the media stops showing favortism to liberals -america will continue to become more liberal.

Until americans stop voting republican or democrat and both candidates suck -america will continue on towards the toilet !

Until americans READ and HEED the constitution and bill of rights especially the part about """" EACH STATE WILL HAVE A WELL TRAINED WELL ARMED MILITIA """" to let the government know who's boss -nothing will get any better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until WE unite and re-become the"""" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA """"" and quit TALKING about this crap -nothing will get any better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What if our forefathers would have tried to talk to the king about -they weren't happy with the way things were ?
Where would we be today if George Washington had been a talker ???He was a killer !!willing to kill hundreds of men for trying to take his freedoms !!

When the ultra liberal house ,courts/judges ,gov't ,president decide to take your right to firearms -will you tell them NO ? -i will..
So myself i'm glad obama won -the sooner this country comes unravelled the better -a civil war would straighten this place out --for a while..
Them sounds like fighten words for sure. Some frightening words there too, I might add.

You been drinking? Or just feeling your oats! ;)

Don't believe we're anywhere's near the need to overthrow government with an armed assault.
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