the power or the glass


Active Member
Oct 6, 2009
tiring to deicde on on either a
Nikon Monarch with a 4-16 power or a
Nikon buckmaster 6-18 power. also thinking about a Zeiss 3-9.
i have had a buckmaster before at a lower power and though it was pretty nice, until i looked into a Monarch!!
its going on a rem 700sps-v in .223. mostly punching wholes in paper for right now.
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I am a believer of the old saying "The gun is only as good as its sights." Using this as the basis of most of my "optical opinions", I would say that the power of the scope is of little concern unless the glass is the quality needed to deliver crisp images at x power. What good is a fuzzy image at any power? Go with the best glass you can afford.
I am a believer of the old saying "The gun is only as good as its sights." Using this as the basis of most of my "optical opinions", I would say that the power of the scope is of little concern unless the glass is the quality needed to deliver crisp images at x power. What good is a fuzzy image at any power? Go with the best glass you can afford.

To quote someone else on another board: "A brightly-lit unresolved blob is just that, a brightly lit unresolved blob".

Go for the good glass.
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