The .300 Ultra, a new gun,&questions



Try the search option in the upper right hand corner on this site. Enter 300 Ultra and youll get a lot of load data as well as a few wildcat versions.

[ 07-02-2002: Message edited by: daveosok ]
I have a 308 Baer with a 1/12" twist and it does not do as well with 200gn bullets as it does with 180gn to 190gn bullets. For powder I would try Hodgdon Retumbo as it was designed with the big 30's, especially the Ultras in mind.

OK here goes I am having my gun built mostly for groundhogs and deer out to 1200 maybe a bit further with a bbl that is going to finish @ 32 1.250the whole way on a Rem action.....the barrel will be in a 9" bedding its a 1-12 twist so I THINK 200grnr's should stabilize...had a .300 weath that was 1-12 and shot the 190 MK's at 3150 and they worked fine. Now with this Ultra what powder? 5010? maybe too slow with a 200grnr WC872? H-870? H-1000?
Any ideas as to velocity with a 190 or 200?
also on this rig goes a Unertl 2" ultra varmint, Posa mounts....any one know the ring spacing for the click values to be 1/2 min? thats 1/2 moa not 1/2 inch.... Any help would be greatly appreciated.......Oh by the way the barrel is a Montana Rifleman stainless......Any body ever use one??? from what what I heard quality....about that of a Douglas which is fine by me...any body heard different?...Thanks in advance for any input
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