target/hunting scope


Jun 9, 2015
I just shot in my first groundhog match the other day and found out that my scope doesn't have enough magnification. So I'm looking for a scope to use in matches at ranges up to 300 yards. This scope will be mounted on a 22-250 which I also use for fox hunting so I'm not interested in a fixed power target scope. I would also like to keep the price under $600 and preferably less, but I don't want to waste money on junk. I have no problem with buying a used scope either.

I'm considering one of the vortex vipers.

Any suggestions?
One of the Vortex Vipers sounds like a good choice. You might also want to check out the Burris MTAC in 4.5-14x

You will be hard pressed to get something better than a Bushnell 4200 or 4500 in 4-16X The 4X gives good field of view and the 16X really brings things in close if necessary. I have compared them at the range with what I have and so far no Vortex has been as good as far as glass goes. I don't remember seeing a Nikon in a higher magnification so can't speak to them.
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