Brand new Talley 1 in Med Rings. Rem/Howa 940700 $30
Missing 3 base screws
Talley 1 in. low rings Rem/Howa 3L 1L $30
Talley 1 in low rings Kimber 48L 45L $30
Burris Zee 1 in med rings Remington $20
Leupold std 1 in med rings and bases $30
no base screws
All prices shipped
Missing 3 base screws
Talley 1 in. low rings Rem/Howa 3L 1L $30
Talley 1 in low rings Kimber 48L 45L $30
Burris Zee 1 in med rings Remington $20
Leupold std 1 in med rings and bases $30
no base screws
All prices shipped