Tactical bolt knobs?

270 win

Active Member
Apr 14, 2010
What are your guys thoughts on tactical bolt knobs? I'm thinking of putting on my 270, are they worth it? I've also heard that they make the bolt some-what easier to lift. Any info would be great.
I like the one I have, but I went with a Karl Kampfield hunter knob. Its smaller than the badger knob that is so widely used.
Here is a look at his bolt knobs. boltknob I will tell you, you will be hard pressed to send your stuff to a better guy! His turn around time was great, his work is even better! Highly recommended.
I had Shawn Carlock put one of his on my .223 LTR. I'll be honest, I only did it at first because I liked how they looked but after shooting my little LTR that has one, quite a bit, when I shoot one of my other guns that doesn't have one, It feels kinda weird. It's like I'm looking or grabbing for the bolt handle. I never would have believed that would happen before I had it installed.

Something you definitely want to remember if you have one installed, if you don't already do this, make sure you pull the bolt out before you put it away in your safe. I really like the size and feel of the one Shawn makes because it's not that big but it does stick out a little further than the stock bolt knob and first thing off I put a nice little scratch in one of my other rifles when I was putting it away in my safe.
The fact hat you can customize your bolt handle to your needs/likes is a plus. I have my eye on a thick but shorter than a Badger one because the factory Howa doesn't give much purchase and slows me down on reload compared to a tactical big bolt knob..I don't like themsticking out too much but the stock one sucks for my XL hands.
Military likes a "tactical" knob so there's gotta be a good reason for them to put one on a stick...

My advice is to find someone with one style or more and try BEFORE buying so you can make an edjucated decision if its worth it to you or not.

The fact hat you can customize your bolt handle to your needs/likes is a plus. I have my eye on a thick but shorter than a Badger one because the factory Howa doesn't give much purchase and slows me down on reload compared to a tactical big bolt knob..I don't like themsticking out too much but the stock one sucks for my XL hands.
Military likes a "tactical" knob so there's gotta be a good reason for them to put one on a stick...

My advice is to find someone with one style or more and try BEFORE buying so you can make an edjucated decision if its worth it to you or not.


Easier to lift
more real estate to grab on to and work it with authority
no more scope finger bolt knob sandwiches
looks good on some rifles


larger profile (mine wont fit in a case without the bolt removed)
it catches alot of brush in the heavies
looks dorky on some rifles

For me, it all comes down to application. If im using the rifle as a comp gun, or just a target shooter, or if i need to make fast follow up shots, then the gun will wear one...my a-bolt deer killer does not wear one, cause it only takes one shot to do the trick, and I cant think of a reason to kill more than one deer at a time.
What are your guys thoughts on tactical bolt knobs? I'm thinking of putting on my 270, are they worth it? I've also heard that they make the bolt some-what easier to lift. Any info would be great.

About as useful as a spoiler on a Honda....
For me, I thought about them too for hunting, but I only need
the 1st shot. :D I also thought practice enables us to know our
equipment enough that we don't need training wheels? LOL!
Sort of kidding there. I'm thinking if you know your rifle well
enough, after a while you get use to it. So if you are without a
tactical knob, it shouldn't be a deterrent for lack of chambering
additional rounds in a hurry if you practice with your gun.
Another issue is to make sure the larger knob doesn't cramp
your room for the scope when sliding back and forth.(most likely
thinking manufacturers already thought this out... or so you'd
hope. LOL!)

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