SWFA SS scopes


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
I just stumbled across this video on YouTube, and found it to be VERY informative. His info came straight from SWFA, so you know it's legit.

I have one of these scopes, and really like it, but I think I will definitely buy more of them in the future knowing what I know now, from this video.

Just figured some of yall might find this interesting as well, if you had any doubts or questions about them basing it solely on their price-point. Which just goes to show you, that you really can't judge a book by its cover.

I found it very interesting that the SS fixed-power scopes ($299) originally cost nearly $800 back when the military first bought them.

Yep, I'll definitely be buying more knowing what I know now thanks to that video. I liked mine, but had no idea just exactly HOW rugged those things are, and how well-made they are.

I have been debating on buying one of those SS HD 5-20x50 MilQuad scopes if I ever get $1,500 to spare. LOL I have heard they are as clear as any of the German glass twice it's price, but built like a tank, like all the other SS scopes.

My ONLY complaint, is that their fixed power scopes are not offered in a 50 or 56mm objective option. I would love to have a couple of 16x50 or 20x56 scopes for my LR guns with the MilQuad reticle.
I bought one of the 5-20 HD's over on the Hide when they ran a group buy. I have ran it thru the ringer and have had no issues. Well worth $1500.00. Sometimes you can find someone holding a new one in the box for a couple hundred below retail. They bought it during the g.b. and never used it and are unloading it.
I have the HD 5-20x50 and the 3-15x40 and love them both. the HD 5-20x50 is better glass but by no means is the 3-15 a slouch. I order my friend 2 4-16x44 vortex viper LR and looked side by side and the 3-15 SWFA was noticably clearer/better glass. The turrets were more positive and the overall build and feel of the 3-15 SWFA was more robust. I will be ordering more. The usually have a sale twice a year , once one black friday and then on i think President's Day,if not its tax day. Its usually a good discount on the scopes.
That's good to know. If I ever get some cash squirreled away I'd like to get a SS HD 5-20x50 MilQuad for my .300 Ackley, since it's an ELR caliber.

Keep me updated on the sales, if you remember this thread. I'm sure I won't. LOL
That's good to know. If I ever get some cash squirreled away I'd like to get a SS HD 5-20x50 MilQuad for my .300 Ackley, since it's an ELR caliber.

Keep me updated on the sales, if you remember this thread. I'm sure I won't. LOL

Sounds good Mudrunner, I'm going to call tomarrow ,if I remember , to ask about the sale, if it's Presidants day or tax day. I can't remember which it is. I want to pick up another 3-15-40mm. They usually don't advertise the sale is coming, you just have to check the website. If I find out I will post it here.
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Sounds good Mudrunner, I'm going to call tomarrow ,if I remember , to ask about the sale, if it's Presidants day or tax day. I can't remember which it is. I want to pick up another 3-15-40mm. They usually don't advertise the sale is coming, you just have to check the website. If I find out I will post it here.

Also, if you qualify, there's a 5% discount for active military/retiree discount program that is not advertised ... it might not be much but it's a discount nonetheless. Skylar McMahon is the rep I corresponded to.

The hide has scopes that guys move as well as here for good deals. I picked up a as new not a scratch one few years back for $1000.Been on a 338 norma for a few years,spent about most season this year and piled a few critters up.The low end is much better than my Leo mark 4 6-20x50,field of view
I just purchased 2 of them for the two rifles I am putting together....the 5-20 hd for me and the 3-15 for my son's rifle. did a lot of online research first. pretty much only read good things about them. that sold me. I am currently not at home but am excited to see them when I get there.
Bump on the military discount. did not get the exact percentage but did help. Skylar at SWFA was very helpful. will use them again for other items.

solid, nice glass, I like the reticle. can't beat it for the price.
I definitely agree. I currently have the 3-15x42 with the sunshade on my Sendero and I love it! Very under-rated scope.
Swfa was great to work with too. When I placed my order I purchased 3 scope and some mounts. They notified me right away that they had just sold out of the 3-15-40 and they would send it out as soon as it came in and wouldn't charge my card until it shipped. That's exactly what they did. When I got it the scope had a small issue. They said no problem send it back and they would ship a new one. I sent it usps insured, and as soon as they received it they shipped a new one out just as promised. And I can confirm they sent a new scope , not the old one fixed. They also reimbursed me for the return shipping as I requested. It took little while to happen because the shipping adress I shipped it back to was their old adress( I got an old shipping invoice I guess) but the us mail rerouted it and as soon as Swfa received it they fussed my new scope out.

I was a little hesitant to spend several thousand dollars on 3 scopes that I had not seen or looked through, but after much reading and research I took the leap of faith and placed my order. I am very glad I did, and the tax day sale I purchased them on saved me a lot of cash, that's why I purchased 3 scopes and not one. I was a little worried about warranty and service but Swfa where very helpful and did what they said they would, stood behind their product and were very good about updating the progress with emails and phone calls, which is very big when order through computer these days.

I will be purchasing more of their scopes next month. I would thank the people by name but I am not at home while writing this but thought I need to do it before I forgot.
For those that are on the fence about the Swfa super sniper scopes, don't wait the 9 months I did to order, they are at least double the quality you are going to get in peels and price ranges in both glass quality and durability and function. I know it's hard to drop money on something you have not seen or used but don't wait.
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