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Yes sir all works and comes with all cleaning and instructionsWhat payment options do you accept?
Does the illumination work well? Does she come with all the original package materials, e.g cleaning cloth, warranty card?
My apologies for all of the questions, I am interested.
Pending at the moment but does accept turretTwo questions: is it still for sale? And can the ballistic turret be ordered and added to this model?
I have a Z8i 2.3-18x56 with the customized ballistic turret....but I bought it that way...I don't want one that can't accept a turret. let me know. I just sold my Z6 non illum and was planning on getting a simple duplex w/illum dot. About to pull the trigger on a Leica Magnus at a really good price, but I can't imagine it's better than the Z8i....thanks
did you sell this scope?Pending at the moment but does accept turret
No sirdid you sell this scope?