Surgery finally today!

Well guys, on the pain meds front, I absolutely cannot take opioids of any fashion, they just make me vomit.
I deal with the pain my own way.
Good news, I go home tomorrow sometime. Very happy to be going home.

Thanks again for all the support.

One day at a time Tony. Brighter days ahead and we are all here for you.
I have to agree to a degree, I don't know fully about the surgery Tony had, but I agree with post recovery and beyond. I had 2 back surgeries early on, one to repair a ruptured disc and one to correct the first surgery because I was a *******.

Fast forward 28yrs and I have been on a pain medication mainly to help me sleep and wake with as little pain as possible. I recently started looking at all of the medications I was taking and just flat quit 95% of them. The pain kept me awake and made getting out of bed tough. I bought an elevated platform for my bed and as the days turned to weeks and now months, I have little issue with back pain and no trouble sleeping. I spoke to a friend who is a Dr and he said it's amazing what the mind will tolerate if we just let it.

I just wish my mind would solve the arthritis problem toot sweet 🤣
My surgery was a Stoma reversal. So the Stoma is removed, then cut from sternum to pelvic bone and bowel re-attached to rectum…
Pretty major stuff.
