Stripped EGW picatinny base screw. Help!

  • Thread starter Miller Outdoors
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Miller Outdoors

Trying to mount a base to new short action Savage with rounded receiver and one of the EGW picatinny base screw holes is apparently a fraction of an inch off and I stripped the allen head of the base screw trying to set it. I was using a torque driver set at the suggested 20 pounds, so it stripped with less than 20 pounds of pressure. The screw metal can't be too rugged. :(

What do I do? I don't want to make it worse.

There is a small amount of the screw still above the base, so I was thinking of taking a narrow file to the head of it to maybe get a small flathead screwdriver on it. If I can get it out I'd probably just open up the base hole a fraction to allow the screw to get seated.

Are there any special drill-bits that they might have at the local hardware store that would allow me to back it out, or drill it out?

Any chance that I can locally find a screw the right length and thread if I can't find a way to re-use this one? This setup is brand new and I'm aching to break in the barrel and start load development!
Get a hold of a set of the short torx bits that fit into a changable screwdriver handle. Usually there will be a torx that you will be able to drive into the stripped allen head and this will take it out. You will need to lightly drive the torx bit in with a small hammer.

Then I would look into a better base. If you have the same luck as I did with EGW bases (and it looks like you are) this is probably just the beginning of your problems.

Hope this helps.

Tried the torx bit trick - no dice - I ended up stripping it round. Wish I had one of those easy-out tools or a reverse twist drill bit to back it out.

If/when I get this one screw out I'm going to replace all the screws with harder torx head screws. I think I can make the base work, but not with these lousy screws.
If/when I get this one screw out I'm going to replace all the screws with harder torx head screws. I think I can make the base work, but not with these lousy screws.

Would there be any hope that a metric allen wrench would fit now? I have done this too.

Once you get past this problem I would look very carefully at the fit to the action. It will probably need to be bedded. Also as you draw it tight to the receiver, place a straight edge on top the rail and see what kind of stress you will be applying to the scope tube. I had a EGW that was so far off from front to back mount pad it added 30 moa to the cant. Had another that removed 30 moa. Hope you have a good one and dont get into what I did.

I've had about 10 EGW mounts and have never had any of the problems that Broz had, but I have had the same problems with their soft screws.

You might as well drill the head off. When you get the base off you'll have enough shank to twist out with a pair of vise grips.

Then, as you've mentioned, replace them with better screws.
Cut a slot in the top of the screw to fit your standard flat blade screwdriver.

I keep a worn down cut off wheel for my slow speed dremel just for these occasions. Put a little tape on the area of the base adjacent to the stripped bolt and have fun.

Might give it a LIGHT tap with a flat/round punch before you cut the slot.
I've had about 10 EGW mounts and have never had any of the problems that Broz had, but I have had the same problems with their soft screws.

You might as well drill the head off. When you get the base off you'll have enough shank to twist out with a pair of vise grips.

Then, as you've mentioned, replace them with better screws.

I've stripped out the screws also and done exactly what geargrinder suggests with good results. Also like geargrinder I've had a number EGW mounts and still do with none of the problems Broz has described
Guys, maybe I just got a few bad ones. I hope that is the case, but you might try placing a good straight edge on top the rail next time you have the scope off one or after you tighten a new one to the receiver. You could be loosing or gaining moa or worse applying uneven stress to the scope tube and not know it. If they are flat and true I am happy for you. But I was just trying to relay my experiences and save a few headaches I have dealt with.

Thanks for the info., gentlemen. I called EGW and they're sending me replacement screws that are supposedly harder.

I bought a small Irwin easy-out bit device and I'll use that to take out the stripped screw and will remove the rest of them after I put a straight edge on it to verify no stress. If I see anything out of line I'll take it off and send it back. Will let you know what happens.
I know this is 2+ year old post but someone else might benefit and prevent the same mistake I did.

I stripped a head of the screw off an EGW rail but it was my fault (over-torqued it). It was previously torque correctly but was working on other projects with higher torque setting and accidentally re-torque them :(.

Anyways, this tool worked like a champ and is worth the $20 (got mine at Home Depot) to keep in your DIY gunsmithing tool chest.


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