Staying cool in the heat


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
Well here it is December the 2nd
In south west Miss and 74 deg .
I've killed a water moccasin and swatting red wasp as I text . For all you guys who love the heat you can have it ,after today I'm done until it cools down. I love freezing temps and snow. I just can't stay cool in these mild temps and no breeze . I have shorts on and short sleeve shirt
I'm a open blood bank for the mosquitos here ,I just seen one fly off so big it had a tattoo on its shoulder that said mom with a heart .
How do you stay cool in this heat ?
Sweat one minute and freeze the next

More sweating than freezing.
I will trade out some good Cajun cooking for some ice cold hunting conditions lol.
Just venting guy's. Good luck and stay cool or warm regardless of where you are at .
len, been there.. Had an antelope hunt in 95 degree weather. We have a large number of hunts here in Az which could range 90-110 degrees.
Must be a real rush to get the meat on ice . I've made some kills in the high 80's and I enjoyed and hated it at the same time .
You can hunt in AZ, today, anywhere from 7 to 75* depending on time of day and location. I hate the bitter cold. But love hunting in snow......heck, I love hunting in 110* too. I just love hunting.
Must be a real rush to get the meat on ice . I've made some kills in the high 80's and I enjoyed and hated it at the same time .

len, I had 50# of dry ice and 100# of frozen gallon jugs, three huge ice chests. The taxidermist said I had only 90 minutes from the time it dropped to get the head and hide on ice before the hair starts to slip. It was a careful "rush".
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