Starting my Rem 700 ADL from scratch


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
I have an older probably late 70's Remington 700 ADL in 7mm mag. I have shot a few deer with it an planning on taking it out west in 2020 on an Elk hunt. I am starting out from scratch now and using some different factory ammo. I am also using either a Monarch 3 or Vortex viper scope to start with. I may switch to a Leupold LR precision or VX-5 since I can get a deal on them. I am also going to switch to BDL detachable magazine. Which one should I get ? I am also going with a Timney trigger. Now if I need or want to switch barrels,how do I decide which one to get ? been watching different threads on here and most seem to have their barrel picked out without any difficulty. Thanks
My advice is don't rebarrel unless it doesn't shoot good. If you do switch go with what your gun smith recommends.

Put in new trigger bed the action, and get the VX5 scope.

Nothing wrong with ADL, only reason to switch to BDL is if you want detachable magazines, BDL only adds weight, it's not necessary, just a preference thing.
plinker pretty much nailed it, but nothing wrong with yur 1st two scopes , put money towards whatever,Remington made many ausome shooting rifles in all calibers and in yur model rifle. reloadings the Yellow brick road, strongly consider it!
My advice is don't rebarrel unless it doesn't shoot good. If you do switch go with what your gun smith recommends.

Put in new trigger bed the action, and get the VX5 scope.

Nothing wrong with ADL, only reason to switch to BDL is if you want detachable magazines, BDL only adds weight, it's not necessary, just a preference thing.
Good advice in this post ^^^

Not knowing anything about your abilities or experience as a shooter or hunter, I'm going to give my thoughts as if you are relatively new and inexperienced. So please take no offense if you are more experienced, as you probably already know or have already considered what I'm suggesting.

I would bed the action, get the VX-5 scope, and tune the existing trigger. Do not replace the trigger yet for two reasons. First, you don't know what you want and should consider all aspects of your final build. Second, those 70's triggers are damned good when properly worked over by a competent gunsmith. You could potentially save hundreds of dollars by simply having it tuned. If you absolutely want to throw it away and replace it, please PM me and I'll pay the shipping to send it to me!

Once you've done these things, go practice. Buy good quality ammo if you don't reload- you may have to buy a few brands and bullet types/weights to see what your rifle shoots best. The older rifles had slower twist barrels, so keep the bullets on the lighter side to start. If you reload- sky is the limit on the combinations you can come up with.

After you have 6 months or so of practice under your belt, and you have a better idea of what you want, start your budget and start sourcing components and let your gunsmith know of your plans too- they offer can help to shape your build ideas and plan.
My advice is don't rebarrel unless it doesn't shoot good. If you do switch go with what your gun smith recommends.

Put in new trigger bed the action, and get the VX5 scope.

Nothing wrong with ADL, only reason to switch to BDL is if you want detachable magazines, BDL only adds weight, it's not necessary, just a preference thing.
That's not always the best recommendation... Most of the time, yes, most smiths are up to date on their tech, but some smiths are still stuck in 10-20 years ago's technology... Just something to watch out for. Doing your own research not only educates you, but also allows you to learn how all the aspects fall together and what options will compliment each other based on your intended use and purpose with the rifle.
only reason to switch to BDL is if you want detachable magazines, BDL only adds weight, it's not necessary

Just to keep the terminology clear, this picture from Stocky's shows what is generally referred to as BDL bottom metal or trigger guard assemblies. These BDL assemblies have a hinged floor plate only and require the addition of the internal magazine box, follower and follower spring to function. There is no detachable box magazine involved with this design. The weight added by using BDL aluminum assemblies is a mere couple of ounces. Now if you choose the Tactical version in steel then the weight increases.


PTG manufactures a trigger guard design which uses the Remington 700 BDL inlet but allows the use of Detachable Box Magazines:


Last but not least is the original Detachable Box Magazine system often referred to as the M5. This requires that the stock gets inletted for the M5 since it is bigger than the Rem. BDL bottom metal.


There are variations as to how the box is released and the shape of the trigger guard itself. But basically any DBM system labeled as 'M5' will have the same inlet shape and size.
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I picked up this ADL Varmint in 308 in a trade. I transformed it the detachable mag with a magpul Hunter stock and mag kit. I added this Weaver tactical 3-10x40. I shot a 5 round 178 ELD m group yesterday into dang near one hole. I was able to get the stock trigger down to 2.5# safely. It's turning out to be a tack driver. I was never a Remington fan, but this thing is fun to shoot.
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