Dick and Ian,
Thank you for your kind comments! It's hard to judge how something written on this side of the pond will translate on your side (particularly when it seems so pedestrian in comparison to some of the wilderness adventures you fellows have!), so I'm glad you enjoyed it!
The six figure grids are just the map references from the standard UK 1:50000 mapping (1km grid squares). I put them in the log book to aid my memory when I re-read the entries. I thought you used the same mapping in Canada? (I certainly did in Wainwright, Suffield and Shilo -but that may be a special case I suppose (?) ...once spent a couple of weeks doing avalanche control in Rodger's Pass ..but can't remember what maps we used there!).
As regards our great Canadian excursion; hopefully in the next few years! (....I still have my Manitoba Hunter Safety Certificate safely filed away somewhere!)! Our friends in Brandon have just had another baby, so we'll wait until they're a little less house-bound!
What bullet do you use in that big tac rifle for your hunts?
165NBT; I've got it going rather fast at 2722fps, but the accuracy is phenomenal. Interestingly, in the winter hinds eg, I was using 150gr NBTs and the wounded animal I describe was the result of bullet failure, larder work showed it had blown up and failed to penetrate; same thing happened again once later in the trip too, and I swore never to go below 165gr in NBT again!
This made me laugh:
Interesting how we rationalize carrying heavy rifles to obtain pinpoint accuracy. All part of the fun.
...I think my wife would word that differently (making greater use of the word 'madness'!)