Stainless or titanium scope base & rings (30mm)



Working on an all stainless barreled action and have done some searching on the internet, but can't seem to find any stainless bases or rings to match. Action is a Montana 1999 in a 7mm rem mag. Winchester Mod 70 should fit, but where do ya find em?????
Color to match stainless. I don't care what it's made out of; as long as it's strong and will match the color. Found some stuff at Midway, but looking for something tough!
One option...maybe.

Get Badger....Farell....whatever you want. Strip them and cover with Brownell's Gun Kote to match your stainless barrel.

If it's the same patter for mounts as win go over to Sinclair they had kelby bases and rings (30mm) in SS.
Thanks for the advice. I've had my eye on moly resin for awhile now, and will be doing some testing in the near future. Will also check out the suppliers mentioned to see what they have to offer.
Of all the places I looked, I can't believe I forgot about Brownells! Numrich & Brownells get a lot of my money.. Just didn't cross my mind to look there, but then again, it was a Monday....
I had the same needs a while ago, only I wanted true stainless for foul weather. My search revealed the following:

IOR (not stainless but nice anyway)
TPS (stainless, titanium)

Near MFG
<lots of others>

I bought the Volquartsen rings and Near base. I found the quality of both to be outstanding, never looked back.

Mike--TPS would be my suggestion.

Also, HateCa from SH was talking about a SS colored moly resin if interested, PM him /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Richard at Near Manufacturing is now producing SS rings and I believe he will leave his rings and bases in stainless color if wanted. Very good bases, I have three and highly recommend them.
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