Sprinbok Hunt in Karoo RSA

May 16, 2011
I just returned from a Springbok hunt in Vosburg, South Africa. Being semi-desert, one is highly exposed. Finding a good hiding place is difficult. Bi pods are great here, as one can use the lying position often. However, the Springbok (Antelope) were very nervous, and they hardly stood still. Shots were far, and one had to shoot quick. It reminded me of the importance of being able to estimate distance fast, and know your turret settings off by heart. With the buck on the move constantly, distances vary fast, so one must adjust fast. Getting distances to fixed points quickly for reference helps enormously! Knowing how to use the MOA rectile is a must. Due to the flat terrain, it was also difficult to get accurate readings on my range finder (Leica1600). All in all a great hunt. 5 Springbok bagged. Looking forward to getting back out there soon!!:D
I just returned from a Springbok hunt in Vosburg, South Africa. Being semi-desert, one is highly exposed. Finding a good hiding place is difficult. Bi pods are great here, as one can use the lying position often. However, the Springbok (Antelope) were very nervous, and they hardly stood still. Shots were far, and one had to shoot quick. It reminded me of the importance of being able to estimate distance fast, and know your turret settings off by heart. With the buck on the move constantly, distances vary fast, so one must adjust fast. Getting distances to fixed points quickly for reference helps enormously! Knowing how to use the MOA rectile is a must. Due to the flat terrain, it was also difficult to get accurate readings on my range finder (Leica1600). All in all a great hunt. 5 Springbok bagged. Looking forward to getting back out there soon!!:D
Sounds like a blast to me!
It's always great to be out hunting with mates! If you guys ever want to hunt out in South Africa, let me know. I can arrange all sorts for you. I do not charge for arranging stuff, you just pay the costs of the accommodation, hunt, and expenses. Maybe one day I make it to the states, and you return the favour!! Have a super day!
It's always great to be out hunting with mates! If you guys ever want to hunt out in South Africa, let me know. I can arrange all sorts for you. I do not charge for arranging stuff, you just pay the costs of the accommodation, hunt, and expenses. Maybe one day I make it to the states, and you return the favour!! Have a super day!

Hey Marcel, where about are you based?

I want to bring my eldest lighty out in 2016, he was born in PE (St George's) and we want to hunt the Eastern Cape // Karoo - I was thinking Graafreinett for a springbok hunt then back towards steytlerville (sp?) / Patensie to get after some kudu..maybe even around Kirkwood if need be.

Do you have any contacts around that area?

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