Spotting scope upgrade


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
Mamou, Louisiana
Really wanting to upgrade my Vanguard 82A Spotter. Very nice optic for distances up to about 650 yards and since I am SLOWLY getting better at further distances really wanting to upgrade. I know they have some really high dollar ones but really wanting to stay around 1500 to 2200 dollar range.
Really wanting to upgrade my Vanguard 82A Spotter. Very nice optic for distances up to about 650 yards and since I am SLOWLY getting better at further distances really wanting to upgrade. I know they have some really high dollar ones but really wanting to stay around 1500 to 2200 dollar range.
Do you really need to upgrade the scope or just the eyepiece? What is the current Magnification range and does it accept different eyepieces?
he has a $500 scope and wants to upgrade to $2000.
the front lenes is limiting him, not just the eye pc.
it is the QUALITY of the lenses at this point.
Do you really need to upgrade the scope or just the eyepiece? What is the current Magnification range and does it accept different eyepieces?
he has a $500 scope and wants to upgrade to $2000.
the front lenes is limiting him, not just the eye pc.
it is the QUALITY of the lenses at this point.
So eyepiece quality dosent count?
You are aware of coarse that the only so called hi def glass used in "any" scope is just the inner element of the objective lens, all the rest is standard glass. Side by side on most occaissions even you wont tell any difference between one having and one not having.
Mind you im not knocking your scope, just your opinions.
Absolutly the quality of a scope can be enhanced with a better quality eyepiece, which could mean using a fixed power as opposed to a variable power in many cases. Kowa is the only scope company im aware of that still offers individual power eyepieces. They like many others have a bayonet type attachment system for attaching the eyepiece to the scope. But, it is possible to have adapters made allowing for the use of threaded eyepieces. Even the very good quality terrestrial eyepieces can be adapted to spotting scopes.
Maven has a really nice spotter in that range. Can get a better deal on it if you use their demo program.
I have the meopta, actually it's Cabela's. From what I understand, Cabela's, nightforce, meopta are basically the same spotting scope. If I understand correctly you can change the eye piece on the meopta, not sure about nightforce and you can't on Cabela's. I upgraded from a zen ray. It seems to be an improvement, but I haven't had it out on the mountain yet. Just looking at items (signs, trees, etc) around the house. I have looked through a kowa and have to say it was a very nice scope. Good luck with your search.
You have a pretty generous budget so I don't think you'll have any trouble finding a good spotter. I picked up my Swaro ATS 65 on sale new for $1800 at Cabelas and I seen them pop up used for under $2K often enough.

If you're willing to go with a larger 80mm objective you can get one of the gen 1 Vortex Razor spotters for a good price too right now. I compared the big Vortex to the 65mm Swaro and the difference was very minimal to my eyes. The Swaro just accomplished the same thing in a smaller package so that's the direction I went.
Can you actually see bullet holes at 500yds with all the scopes suggested here?
It depends on the conditions. The first time I took out a Nikon ED50 I could see 6mm holes in paper at 700 yards and I thought it was the best scope ever....because I had a tough time with my Meopta S2, but it depends on the conditions, light, moisture, mirage, etc.
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I've been running the Vortex Razor
20-60×85mm last few years.

It's very nice for the price and when compared to the $2-3k range it holds it's own.
Can you actually see bullet holes at 500yds with all the scopes suggested here?

I can typically see a 6.5mm bullet hole at 500 yards unless the conditions are really bad. There have been a few days when the star aligned and everything was perfect when we were able to see 6mm holes in white cardboard at 1150 yards.

The easy way to see bullet holes at LR is to just shoot a bigger caliber! LOL That's what I do so it's easier to spot my misses in the dirt.:D
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