Spotting scope/Camera adapter


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
The 1,000 yard range near us re-paints the silhouettes and plates several times during the day and there are quite a few at each yardage but if you shoot a really good group on a clean plate there is not an inexpensive way to capture and save that. One guy out there had a camera adapter he epoxied to the camera to attach it to the spotting scope and another guy had a adapter/cover for a I-Phone that attached to his spotting scope by Meopia but I don't have a smart phone I am way too hard on my phones and don't want to keep buying high dollar replacement phones. I-Phone adapter is only $60 but phone is $400. The other one came in a $700 Vortex kit with spotting scope. Swarovsky makes and adapter that is $599. I shot a 4-shot 1-1/2" group at 750 yards and sure wanted a pic of it. Tried camera looking thru spotting scope but it was not clear. My banker shot 1-at it that is up and right and my 4- are in the center.


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Burris Long Eye Relief 15-45x I think it is a Landmark, real clear, compact and can use with glasses if you fold down the eye cup. A guy told me today to get one of the older I-Phones and don't even get service for it and the tech geeks always have to have the newest, so older models are getting cheaper because they aren't cool. But if you have no service how do you get the pictures off it?
I just bought one of these to try off Ebay, only $26.95+shipping. Appears to be good quality and ships from USA, here in 3-days. Most of the others are from China and plastic for the same price or more and those would not be here till the last of June. Clamps to spotting scope eye piece and camera has tons of adjustment behind the spotter in every direction. I had problems handholding the camera and the auto focus did not like trying to focus thru the spotter so I'll have to play with it and see. Worst case it was cheap and I can throw it over my left shoulder for good luck. If ya'll know of anything else let me know. Thanks, Ken


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