Sound gear plugs!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2012
Spring Lake Michigan
So last year I could not come up with a Christmas present to tell my my I wanted. So last minute I had her get me some sound gear plugs. I never thought it would be worth it. Now I've used them a bunch for hunting and really liked them but still not 100percent sold on buying another pair. Well last night I went to the Garth Brooks concert. I'm not huge on live shows so I wore these just to tone it back. Well when the first song started and the crowd went crazy these things sucked. It was still sooo loud. Then I looked at my mom and dad who where both less than enjoying them selfs because we were so close to the stage it was crazy loud. So I removed my plugs and holy **** not only did they work but I was amazed at how much more clear the music was. So toward the end I thought man they work for shooting but dang I thought my ears would ring at night. End result not so much. Completely amazed. Now my wife wants a pair.
I've had some for a couple years now and really like them. As with anything, they have limitations, but do work well for what they are designed to do.
I tossed around the idea of getting a set on several occasions. I like the concept, small, lightweight & from the reviews, useful. I've always been worried I'd lose them like pretty much all small things I own. Out of sight, out of mind :D

Glad to hear they're working for you.

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