About 2 weeks ago me and my cousin ryan were hunting in the wichita mountains of OK during the deer rifle season. On our second morning we were hoping for a big buck to show up for me as Ryan had already thumped his first ever buck the morning before. Well we set up on a rock bluff overlooking a large wheat field and wait to see what happened. about a half hour after sunrise 30 or so turkeys made there way into the field and began feeding. not long after this a doe and her year and a half old fawn strolled out to the field and we watched wishing a buck would follow. a while goes by with nothing much happening and then we see the turkeys approaching he doe's. Now i am always a sucker for wildlife on wildlife antics so i was hoping for a show. The turkeys got in the typical school yard line with what looked like all of the other turkeys egging one on to approach the deer in a single file line. The lead turkey approaches the young doe and begins to peck at her. the fawn back steps a little and goes after the turkeys. this repeats its self for a while and me and ryan are gettin a pretty good kick out of it. the fawn is jumping and pawing the dirt and then all of a sudden the lead turkey jumps up and high kicks the fawn straight in the nose!!! I mean a perfect karate kick straight to the kisser!!!! well the fawn whirls around and raises all hell and the turkeys head one way, the doe's another. about 2 hrs later where heading back to main camp, no deer but still a pretty unique sight.
just a funny one i thought i would share, if we were in vegas i would have lost my butt cause i would pick a doe to take a hen turkey anyday!!!!
just a funny one i thought i would share, if we were in vegas i would have lost my butt cause i would pick a doe to take a hen turkey anyday!!!!