Something Funny I Saw


Nov 15, 2004
El Reno, OK
About 2 weeks ago me and my cousin ryan were hunting in the wichita mountains of OK during the deer rifle season. On our second morning we were hoping for a big buck to show up for me as Ryan had already thumped his first ever buck the morning before. Well we set up on a rock bluff overlooking a large wheat field and wait to see what happened. about a half hour after sunrise 30 or so turkeys made there way into the field and began feeding. not long after this a doe and her year and a half old fawn strolled out to the field and we watched wishing a buck would follow. a while goes by with nothing much happening and then we see the turkeys approaching he doe's. Now i am always a sucker for wildlife on wildlife antics so i was hoping for a show. The turkeys got in the typical school yard line with what looked like all of the other turkeys egging one on to approach the deer in a single file line. The lead turkey approaches the young doe and begins to peck at her. the fawn back steps a little and goes after the turkeys. this repeats its self for a while and me and ryan are gettin a pretty good kick out of it. the fawn is jumping and pawing the dirt and then all of a sudden the lead turkey jumps up and high kicks the fawn straight in the nose!!! I mean a perfect karate kick straight to the kisser!!!! well the fawn whirls around and raises all hell and the turkeys head one way, the doe's another. about 2 hrs later where heading back to main camp, no deer but still a pretty unique sight.

just a funny one i thought i would share, if we were in vegas i would have lost my butt cause i would pick a doe to take a hen turkey anyday!!!!

That brings memories to me. As a young boy in Nicaragua, my grandma raised turkeys, chickens, pigs, goats etc. that roamed around the ranch house. My grandpa was a cattleman and a horseman as was also my dad.

One day, I figure I was 7 years old, and my only little brother at the time was 5. He stepped out of the big corridor the ranch house had and went out to play. The male turkey danced around him and kicked the garbage out of my little brother. The more he'd scream and ran the more the turkey would kick him on his but. Slapped him hard with his wings and would not stop kicking him. Some one came out to help my little brother and scare the turkey away when I noticed my dad reaching for his 0.22 Winchester tubular magazine, 18 rounds, that he would always had close by, using the Iron sights from inside the house in the corridor he killed the turkey from one shot. That was a tasty turkey! About a year later in my grandma's kitchen that always had a door opened to the back of the house and dogs, chickens and all kinds of things were going in and out looking for something to eat, a goat came inside the kitchen, I asked my grandma if it was ok to use the short whip to get him out of the kitchen and she said it was ok. After I hit him once I got attacked by that goat and had me pinned against a wall, a bunch of women yelling and screaming trying to get the goat away from me... some of the men showed up and removed the goat that by God's grace had only damaged my cloth. My dad told one of the ranch guys to tie the goat by the corral's gate. The man did. Again the 0.22 Winchester was feeding us cause my dad shot the goat dead. Just good memories. Keep away from them turkeys Lerch! :)

Good story. That's one of the things that makes time in the outdoors so nifty!

Like Eaglet, it brings back memories.

When I was a little guy, maybe 8 or 9, the neighbors went away and asked if I'd feed their chickens. I was a bit concerned about the big Leghorn rooster. The sucker would flog the heck of ya if you weren't careful.

For protection I carried a short section of sucker rod, they were plentiful in western PA at the time.

About the second or third day, here comes the rooster. I recall just kind of reaching out and touching him on the knoggin with that sucker rod, not wanting to kill their rooster. That fella went out like a light! Geez, I killed their rooster:( Now what am I gonna tell them?

That bird lay on the ground for most of the day then got up as if nothing had happened. From then on I was the only kid in the two families that had no trouble with that stupid rooster.
A few years ago I was out calling coyotes, I had pulled off the main road and drove down the river bank about a 1/4 mile. As I got close to where I wanted to leave my truck I spotted a flock of turkey's and watched them filter thru the tree's. Finally got out when they were about 100 yard's away, that's when one hen saw me and ran right to the truck. I was standing beside the truck getting my gear when she flew up on top of my truck and started walking around on it.
I just stood there, couldn't believe it. I walked off to my first set with that dang bird tagging along for a 1/2 mile, she didn't leave till I cranked up the Coyote howl's.
Very interesting guys! I never thought hunting Turkeys would be considerd
hunting dangerous game.

A couple of springs back during turkey season I was hanging out with a buddy of mine and his neighbor came over and told us about his weekend. He was telling us about the two albino turkeys he and his dad killed and were having mounted. I thought that was really odd. When we asked where he killed them he told us a general location and I started cracking up laughing at this dumba$$. That place is called Turkey Mt. and for good reason. It had a big turkey farm on it till several years ago it was hit by a tornado and demolished the place! He shot some of the loose turkeys and was gonna have them mounted.....the sad part is he didn't want to believe us and I think he got sucker into mounting somebody's would be Thanksgiving dinner!
5yrs ago i was turkey hunting at my families ranch when i noticed several turkeys had almost white wings and very gold fan feathers. I ended up shooting a good tom that was one of these turkeys and when i showed him to a game warden i know he said that he thought this turkey was a cross breed of our rio grand species and a domestic white turkey (it would explain why he came to my poor calling!!!) definantly a neat looking bird but it didnt help him taste any better.

Bravo 4, be careful over in the sand box buddy
Spring Turley season 2006. I'm upstate NY turkey hunting, which is only allowed until noon. After the hunt I take my wife and kid to a local farm store where they have ducks, geese, and 2 tom turkeys. The owner of the place said they form spain. They were black, but did not look like eastern turkeys.

Anyway, I take my diaphram call out of my pocket and hit it a couple of times to make them gobble. The gobbled all right! Then one of the birds started humping my leg like I was his new girlfriend!

Wish I had that kind of calling success in the field...

A guy we were talking to took a picture with his camera phone and I gave him my email address, but he never sent the picture!
crazy animals

This one involves a goat instead of a turkey but funny none the less. A few years back my best friend (who I'll call Jock-O the elephant tamer) was getting a divorce and asked me to come over and help move some of his stuff. He lived in what you would call the boonies and had a tall chain link fence around his yard and shop. Now, Jock-O is a diesel mechanic and his shop was as big as his house. He had this crazy goat that would try to chew on your tires when you came over and you had to run him off with rocks. Now this goat had ESP or something because no matter how hard you tried it was just impossible to hit this dang goat. So every time I went over there I tried. It would be facing away from you and have no clue you were there and when you threw a rock it would just hop out of the way and never even look at you and keep eating! Anyways, back to the story. We had loaded his stuff up from the house and were in his shop talking about how we were gonna catch his goat when guess who walks in...THE GOAT. We looked at each other and grinned. I slipped on behind it, shut the door and tried to grab it. That thing went crazy and was hoping around jumping off the tables and shelves with tools and parts flying everywhere. Jock-O was chasing it around yelling at me to help but I was too busy laughing. Then it turn on him and backed him into the corner, he grabbed it stiff armed by the horns and it picked him up against the wall (Jock-O is a little guy about 120 pounds) and held him there. He was yelling "Get this **** goat off of me!" but that was the funniest thing I had ever seen and was rolling in the floor. It took a minute but I realized the goat was going to over power Jock-O and grabbed it by the tail with both hands and was pulling it backwards. Not the best thing to walk in on. About this time his wife (the elephant) came to investigate the commotion. She yells out "What the hell are y'all doing?" and we just froze....even the goat. Then she says "I knew I was divorcing you for a reason!". She turned to leave and we just started laughing our a$$e$ off and set the goat loose. The goat stayed there, she had left the gate open one day and the goat got out. We still hunt behind that house sometimes and I would love to run into that crazy sucker one day.
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i had a couple of game cocks when i was a 15 yr old one saterday morning there was a knock on the door so i go and answer the door and theres 6 cops and 3 patrol cars parked out front of the house and a ambulance pulling up. my neaghbors at the time had a vegitable garden seems one of my roosters got out and was in their garden and when ms martin tried to soo him off he went ballistic on her and left a bunch of holes up and down her legs with his 2inch long spurs .needless to say that ended my plans to raise fighting roosters
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This one is about pigs, I was 5 yrs old and we lived on a farm with lots of animals including 6 Weiner pigs, each year my dad would have the butcher come over and slaughter the pigs giving him one for the job, well the idea was to do one a night when the guy got off his regular job but I threw a monkey wrench into that, I watched as my dad threw in some slop to the pigs and as they came up to the slop the butcher shot one in the head with a 22 rifle just like mine, then he set it down and they went to work on it, well I liked the pigs because me and my brothers used to ride them around the pen and feed them toads out of the creek, I felt pretty bad about them shooting my favorite racer so after they went to the barn to finish dressing the pig I decided to give the other pigs some fresh toads so they wouldn't feel bad about losing their friend. I caught some toads and took them out to the pen to sooth their loss. I held out my hand and the first pig went for the toad and my hand, **** thing chomped down and thinking I was playing tug of war started shaking, ( oh did I mention we used to tease the pigs?) I got loose with some scratched fingers and a mad on. I remember picking up that rifle and tossing a toad into the pin when one came to get it I put the muzzle against its head and fired, one down. I used the toad bait on all 5 of them then went to tell my dad I had finished up the pigs for him, on the way to the barn I stopped and settled up a score with a goose and a peacock who had been my nemeses for several years, I probably could have settled things with a bull and a neighbors dog while I was at it but I was out of ammo.
Thats when I learned about not picking up guns from my dad and a piece of barn siding.
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