Some Shotgun Love...


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2010
My weekend is going to be tied up so I snuck out this morning for a few stands. I felt somewhat naked and afraid as I packed only my shotgun. There's a certain amount of security having the rifle close. But, I resisted the urge to do my normal pack mule routine and pared it down to shotgun,Shockwave and camera.

The first stand had footsteps coming behind me but it got my wind and left before making it around me towards the caller. Second stand blank. On the third stand, I switched things up and used Tony's Jack Extreme which I've been experimenting with a little. This experiment worked and I had one coming in hot at the seven minute mark. She was fully committed and running almost directly at me but my Ghillie and Quick camo facemask let me make a slow move with the shotgun giving her a face full of Federal Premium Heavy Weight Coyote at 35 yards. It was decisive!

The wad was laying about three feet from her nose. Judging by the bloody face I think it was the BB's that actually killed her. :D

This was the fifth consecutive female--pretty unusual for around here. I was going to tell my wife that the only thing I seem to attract is young females but I decided better of it. :rolleyes: The batteries died in the SW about a minute later. A quick call to my wife landed me a ride back home in the Ranger. Sweet.

After changing out the batteries in the call and a few chores, I snuck back out to another close stand we haven't called this year. Shotgun only again. And, not to change what is working, I dialed up Jack Extreme again. Not five minutes later a nice male showed up on the far side of the slew. Again, good camo and the sun behind me gave me the edge to raise and pivot the shottie for a 55 yard dose of Heavy Weight as he surveyed the area the sound was coming from. He ruined my streak of females and made the pack out pretty good exercise.

Wednesday I also got three stands in while doing a delivery. The second stand produced. Just a few minutes into Adult Cottontail I had one coming hard through a previously burned area. It came so hard that I really thought it was probably a dominant male. Multiple loud barks finally stopped her. This one fell to the .204. She took an uncharacteristic finisher round and actually had an exit which also surprised me. Another nice female. She is the stiffy on the right of the photo. The badger was a drive-by I took with the .204. It may be the nicest badger hide I have ever taken even though it was relatively small.

God bless and good hunting! gun)
Can you give the specs on your shotgun?

It's an 11-87 dipped in Kryptek Highlander with a Burris FastFire III and a Mesa Tactical shell holder. I have a Timber Buttes Outdoors Sidekick sling on it with the new sticky neoprene and a Dead Coyote choke tube. The bipod/stand is a US Hunter. I'm not a big shotgun guy but it seems to be working.
Thanks . Trying to decide on a new shotgun. I missed 5 dogs with mine. My shotgun does not have great sights .
Thanks . Trying to decide on a new shotgun. I missed 5 dogs with mine. My shotgun does not have great sights .

My son got me the Burris Fastfire III for Christmas last year. It made a lot of difference for me. I liked it so well that I started carrying them in the store. (I just looked and realized they are not showing up for some reason??? I'll find out what's going on with it.) Make sure to pattern your shotgun. Mine shoots a lot higher than the bead would suggest. The FFIII allows me to "sight in" my shotgun to compensate for patterning. I doubt if you need a new shotgun. I bet you just need to pattern your gun. If I were you, I'd spend the money on a holographic sight first. With or without the holographic sight, I would have easily missed coyotes with mine if I hadn't realized it was shooting so high. lightbulb

I don't know if you read the article I did on shotgunning coyotes for or not. It has some things I learned about shotgunning coyotes in it. It might help. Coyotes In Your Pocket - A Quest To Shotgun Coyotes

Good luck, gunaddict.
Looks like you have a target rich environment and a good system there. Thanks for the write up and especially the pictures!
Heya TT.... congrats on the mutts. Had 3 charge us last weekend and they all got away because we didn't want to pack the shottie! Putting a red dot on the ar soon so this doesn't happen again! Love the pics! Keep at it buddy!

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