Sniper Tools ACI Warranty?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2005

First off, I love the product. The indicator was mounted on my Sendero .300 Ultra Mag with no problem and then I mounted it on my new .338 Lapua and during the barrel break in process the orange indicator line paint came completely off the roller and is now bouncing around inside. I was just wondering if this has happened before to anyone, is it covered under the warranty, if I could just purchase this defective part, or am I just SOL? I did send Sniper Tools and Ward a PM and email concerning this issue and am awaiting a response.

Thank you,
The one I bought from the tactical shop in Albany, OR. did something that might be happening to yours. The orange line would stick and then spin freely, and give all kinds of crazy readings. I took it back to them an they swapped it out for a new one without the box or receipts. I don't even use it anymore.
Well I spoke with Ward, the owner of Sniper Tools and he walked me through how to fix the paint myself. He informed me that there was a small defective batch awhile back that this happened too and to simply take it apart, wipe with acetone, repaint the line with orange nail polish, re-assemble and torque.

Hope this helps someone thanks,
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