Snap caps for dry fire practice?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
Issaquah, WA
Are snap caps necessary for dry fire practice with today's high end custom actions? I have heard in the past that the negative force on the firing pin has led to issues, but I have also heard recently that there is no need. Is this folklore or do snap caps actually protect crucial firing train components?
I do a lot of dry fire practice with my rifle (20ish shots a night) and have had no issues. Ryan Cleckner (he does the Going Ballistic Podcast) says not to worry about it. With old rifles you might have a issue but modern rifles I don't worry about it.
I have dry fired some rifles (custom, factory, and issued) thousands of times without an issue.
Thanks guys. I figured as much, but I didn't want to break something on a brand new custom rifle before I even got to shoot it...
Take an empty case put a pencil eraser in the primer hole and try to wear it out. I shot springfields for a lot of hunting years. if my grandfather heard I was dryfiring without this or a snapcap He'd shovel himself out just to cuff me in the back of the head.
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