Should I buy my Night Force F1 scope now oR wait


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2012
AustRaliA - ViCtoRiA B_dale
I am looking at buying a Long Range rifle (from APRS) in the next 2 years; I have the money to buy the NGIHT FORCE F1 SCOPE at about $2390 now. Should I buy the scope now, or should I wait until I have the rifle, I'm not sure if the price will go UP or DOWN or if new Models will come out.
Any one got any suggestions…
*thanks* (-_*)
If you're dead set on the F1, buy it now. That military contract has run it's course & NightForce has released statements saying the F1 will no longer be made. The price will most definitely go up from here, IF you can find one at all by this time next year.
It is already extremely hard to find a better product than the NightForce, let alone the mil-spec F1. The only disadvantage I can think of is you are limited to Mil/Mil only.

Like I said, if your heart is set on the F1, you would be far better off to get it while the getting is still good.

I'd buy it now-I'm not sure what the Australian "rules" are regarding importation of military style scopes, but the politics on this side of the water are uncertain at best.
Buy it now. The F1 is an awesome looking scope, and if it's the one you want, no real sense in waiting...UNLESS, you have any doubts, then wait on it

I'm in almost the opposite position, I have the rifle I want (well, it's in the shop) and am going to have to settle for using my Nikon Buckmasters til I can afford the scope my rifle deserves.
I would buy now. The way the gov't is printing money the price of everything is going to go up rapidly.
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