Shooting Range in KS???


Mar 2, 2005
Hi! Anybody here from Kansas? I'm from Wichita & i can't find a place to shoot past 100yrds. I know a place in Hutchinson, KS but for members only. Not to mention the wait list. Probably it will take atleast a year to get in.
I'm more than willing to pay. I appreciate any information......

Many Thanks
im not from KS, and hopefully somebody from here who is will speak up, but intill then, you might run over to This site is run by the National Association of Shooting Ranges (NASR) and has a pretty good list of ranges no matter where you go. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "where to shoot"
I've been checking this page atleast 3x a day since i posted this question. I really appreciate your responsed abinok.
I'll check out the url you gave me & i hope i get lucky. Once i find one i'll post it back here for other people in Kansas that are looking as well.
If there are more input from you guys out there please let me know.

Again many thanks!
By the way Abinok i noticed your location Oklahoma. Do you have a shooting range there more than 100yrds? I wont mind driving an hour or two..My Zip code is 67212 KS
I believe there is one up around ponca city... or at least there was one back when I was driving up there to shoot smallbore... I think. Theres 6 ranges within driving distance of OKC, but only 2 have targets past 100, and they are (club) private ranges. Its probably more than a couple of hours, but ive got 100, 200, 300 and 400yd firing points here at the house with a benchrest at the close end, and I use portable target stands for shooting further than that. Ive got 4 portables that are about 3' by 4' and one thats 11' by 8'. The big one is currently setup at 1350yds, but ive got out to 1600 or so avalable. As long as you know that all guns are always loaded, you don't stick your finger on the trigger at inapproprate times, and you don't point your muzzle at anything you can't afford to buy (including me) then youre welcome to come down and fling some bullets. The rest of you can consider that a standing invitation as well. 73089 is my zip... mapquest can tell you if its feasable.
If you can't get any satasfaction from that website, let me know. The president of the NASR just happens to be a former employer of mine. I could give him a call and see if he might be able to see if there are any that aren't on the site.
I'm not an expert & to be honest if ever this will be my 1st time to shoot past 100yrds. One thing i can a assure for me safety comes 1st. I appreciate your invitation & i'll keep that in mind. Regarding the website, so far no luck. I found 2 that have past 100. The 1st one for members only & invitation to get in. Next members only & members count is at max. Wait list is long & they only accept application April & October. Others only have 100yrds & several phones no longer exist or no contact information.
Anyways, i'll keep looking & on Friday we're heading to Missouri for vacation. I'm taking the kids to Table Rock & we'll stay there for a week. I'm going to check around when i get there.
Domster4u - I am a member of the Central Ks Gun Club north of Hutchinson and it has a 600 yard range. It was not hard to become member and they may still have some openings. I applied in may of this year and my membership was approved in June.
I checked their website membership enrollment is closed & is at it's maximum. By the way how often you can shoot there? Is it open 7days a week?

You can shoot anytime you want and are able to bring guests. Their rule is who ever is there first has access to whatever area they are using. Since the 100-200-600 yard rifle ranges overlap, if some one is shooting 100 yards you cannot use the 600 yard range until they are finished.

As far a membership I applied in May during their annual renewal period, was #49 on the waiting list and was approved for membership in mid June.

I know it seems like a long wait, but I would put my name on their list for next years renewal. Also if someone moves or drops out they may have an opening.

Membership is $90 per year and that is resonable for the rifle, pistol, and trap ranges they have.
My name should be on their wait list now. I'm going to work on my NRA membership since it's a requirement for them. Do you think it's possible to hook up w/ you the next time to go shooting?

PM or email me your phone number. Lets talk and get acquainted before I commit to taking you to the range. Not that I don't think it would be OK, but I just would like to get to know a little more about you first. I will be out of town most of this weekend but PM or email me the number & I will get back to you next week.
Don't worry i fully understand your situation. I know that your guest will be your responsibility once you get out there. Sure my cell# 316.214.5216 & my email is [email protected] . It won't let me send PM to you, i guess because you didn't include a email address on your profile.
Anyways, If you can find free time this weekend i'm inviting you to come over to my house & i'll cook good food /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif! By the way that'a my other hobby......
I plan to go shooting tomorrow & Saturday morning at Chenney Lake shooting range. You're more than welcome to join me. They renovated the shooting range, it's only 100yrds though. But it's pretty descent,clean & free to shoot. They have 10 benches for rifle & i guess 8 for pistols.
Adam(ABINOK) How are you doing bud? I'll be there in OK city July 16 w/ my family. My wife's cousin from CA is visiting us & she wants to see the Old Federal Building. If you're free that time i'm really looking forward meeting you in person as well. Pitty i won't be able to take my rifle w/ me, so I guess we'll just do the shooting some other time.

I don't know why the PM doesn't work. I will try to call you this evening. I appreciate the offer for shooting, but I am going to KC to visit son and his family this weekend. Also shooting the USPSA Area 3 match on Sunday.
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