shooting bags

great thread! i am going to take some an old pair of jeans and cut off two, 6" long pieces and i am going to fill one with tumbling media and the other with rice and see which one i like better.
Airsoft bb's work great. Stuff a few handfuls in a tube sock, twist, stuff inside itself, twist, stuff inside self, repeat as many times as necessary to get your desired firmness/size.
Water wings.

Also, hard to get, but since I race motorcycles I have Tire Balls. They are not exactly round, semi round, can be inflated and deflated with a basket ball pump. Put that inside a small caldwell bag with ears or put it in a sock. Light weight.

I like water wings for back packing. Deflate and they take up little room. Inflate in seconds and you have a rear rest. It's not as tight as sand, but once you settle in it works way better than nothing.
TAB gear is my personal favorites. Anything they make is great. I have triad tacticals to that aren't to bad but my pack has to TAB gear and that usually gets me. Had to take 2 cold bore shots today at 520 and 630 and couldn't go prone and had to set up on these bags. MOA hits both times. THese bags are made of strong materials and will hold up to abuse. THey make slings, shooting mats, rear bags, suppressor covers, and other shooting supplies. IT is owned by Thomas Burke of Alvin TX and is absolutely great to deal with.
We just got another big TAB gear shipment last week. :) Lots of rear bags, mats, suppressor covers, and slings on hand.
You know what my favorite bags are? Homemade ones out of old bluejean pants legs and filled with sand. Sew up one end really tight. Fill about 3/4 full of sand, then sew up the other end. They work just fine. 2 in the front, 1 in the back. That's how I shoot all my groups, unless I decide to take the Caldwell tackdriver bag for the front, and use a sandbag for the rear.

Caldwell TackDriver Shooting Rest Bag Nylon Green Filled

Apparently that "Caldwell TackDriver Shooting Rest Bag" works very well for you or you wouldn't recommend it.
I suspect it does more than one thing you like, but exactly why do you like it so well?
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