Natchez has the SHERPAs on for 99 bucks. Not sure what other places sell them for, this is supposed to be a sale price down from 149. Good little machine.
The unit is user-adjustable or settable, info on doing so is found in the manual. Very simple, you can also calibrate the pressure sensor, wind vane-sensor and temperature sensor.
**** think is getting close to the dreaded VCR complexity (apparently you can record tv shows with a vcr, not just play movies...). I will just get the ten year old neighbour kid to do all that fancy stuff.
I am most likely to hold the SHERPA into the wind, read the wind speed and say, "I thought it was about 11 miles per hour." Makes you feel kinda smart, impresses everybody when you have it in your shirt pocket and they don't have one, reality is that the wind in your face might not be the wind on the target but what the hell
As Brent said, it is a good learning tool so you have a feel for certain windspeeds. Now we need a mirage reader, wouldn't that be neat.