Setting throat length


Active Member
Aug 8, 2019
Building a rifle with limited magazine length. Hunting rifle so ammo needs to fit the magazine.
I have a no throat reamer and separate throating reamer.
I want to be able to seat bullets out close to the lands if necessary, still fit the magazine and have spare room for some throat erosion over time.

How much 'spare' room do you give yourself in mag length so you can chase the lands ?? 243ai
I would give it around .050 that will give it room to not bind in magwell and give you room to chase lands as it erodes. Just remember that you may be seating 10 to 15 thou off already so that will give you more clearance also.
243ai is a real nice round and with rl26 will be quite fast. Mine does 3350 with 105 hybrids in my 29 inch match rifle.
Being a single shot I load mine long. Rl23 has been the most accurate for mine. Good luck.
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