Send It Volume 3 is now available

Shawn Carlock

Jun 11, 2007
North Idaho
Send It Volume 3 is now available, $19.95. If you send a check or MO with mailing address I will pay the shipping. We have the best bear / buyllet trace video you have ever seen, practice shots out to 2300 yards, footage of my 185" nontyp mulie and more. You can also call and order over the phone or go to our website and down load our order form and email it to us if you like.

I dont know about others, but I would like to see a package deal on all three!
Great work Shawn, cant wait to see the new vid.
I called Shawn the other day and left a msg about ordering this DVD. I was pleasantly surprised with a phone call from him today. I understand how busy he is, especially this time of the year, but he still found time to call his customer. I greatly appreciated the call from him and I can't wait for the DVD to come in. He even shared a couple details about his next DVD. Yep, I can't wait for that one either!
I sent my money in, just waiting for it to get here.

Anyone have any comments on the new video yet?
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