Well-Known Member
The Seattle gun buy back was well attended, and turned into a little gun show as dealers and citizens showed up and purchased many of the firearms. Police did manage to get their quota.
Those of you from Washington State need to get behind this bill and call your representatives and senator in your Washington state legislature.
HB1371--The Washington State Firearms Freedom Act of 2013: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/1371.pdf
One of my state representatives, Jason Overstreet, is sponsoring this bill.
Wait what!!?? Ok I don't know squat about gun buy back programs, but regular folks where able to go there and buy guns? At a POPO buy back location?
And not only that, you could be smoking marijuana while you are getting your gun. Right in front of the POPO. Still can't believe that..........
Must be my age, I still don't understand the parameters. I take it they are paying for old junk guns, the ones I collect as a Class 3 FFL Holder???
My modern firearms, I'm not going to part with and they can't afford them. No junk there....