All the sporting rifles in various calibers I've reloaded ammo for have several hundredths of an inch spread in bullet jump distance to the rifling where accuracy is the same.
On the other hand, if I judged accuracy by the first 3 or 5 rounds of a 20-shot test group for each load, I never got the same results each time. Neither does anybody else.
So, I encourage folks to shoot at least 20 shots per test group. 3- or 5-shot test groups have way less than a 50% chance of representing what all shots of that load will shoot inside of. If your shot start to walk around as the barrel heats up, that's because it's fit poorly to the receiver. Have the patience to let it cool down between shots so you'll see what accuracy is you can count on all the time. Judge accuracy by the largest groups fired. The smallest ones happen when all the variables cancel each other out for the most part.