Seating depth variation


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2004
I hold seating depth to .0000 tolerance!
Wow! How do you do that? I've run about 8 different seaters, annealed, sorted brass by brand, use premium brands, etc. I have about +/- 0.001" variation.

How much can I expect to see on target, if I eliminate that variation?

I'm really excited to hear how much you are seeing on target….
Wow! How do you do that? I've run about 8 different seaters, annealed, sorted brass by brand, use premium brands, etc. I have about +/- 0.001" variation.

How much can I expect to see on target, if I eliminate that variation?

I'm really excited to hear how much you are seeing on target….
I go through my seating depth process and those that aren't exact get set aside. Using my Sinclair Comparator gauge I go back thru and adjust seating stem as needed to get exact measurements as taken from ogive. I'm getting 3/4" groups with goal is half inch.
I'm still fine tuning seating depth...I'm seeing a sweet spot at 045 off jam and have 20 rnds ready to go in + - 005 increments on either side of 045.